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Taking It Off for the Coyote Page 11

  “A shadow’s mate?” Sam asked.

  She nodded. “I could be wrong. I’d have to spend more time with her, but Sydney feels different.”

  Sydney snorted. “The thing is, Sam, she said Sorrento sent the hitter,” Sydney told her. “She knows him.”

  Sam exhaled slowly. “She’s a spy, and they’re cutting her loose.”

  “She said she escaped Midnight Howling pack eighteen months ago. She was the leader of the pack’s lover.”

  “Sorrento?” Sam asked with a frown.

  “No. Patricia Cutter is the leader not Sorrento, so your suspicions were right. A woman’s behind this,” Sydney muttered, shaking her head. She sighed roughly and combed her fingers through her hair. She didn’t know what bothered her most, the fact that her mate had slept with the enemy or that her mate could be part of the enemy’s team.

  She wanted to kill and comfort Cambrie. At the duplex, Sydney had smelled Cambrie’s fear, sensed her need for her. Her coyote was furious at her for keeping the distance between her and their mate.

  “This does change the game a little,” Sam said. “We can expect an attack, but first I’m sure she’s going to go after the resisters of Oaklyn’s pack. We need to meet with them.”

  “Even if you can get control of Gray Tail, will that stop her from attacking?” Adalyn asked.

  “If we can know what her motivations for this game are to start with,” Sam replied, perching on the edge of her desk. “Then it would be easy to say. As it is, there’s no way of predicting what she’ll do.”

  “Why doesn’t Sydney just ask Cambrie what kind of woman this Patricia Cutter is? What her best guess to her motivations is?”

  “Don’t sleep with her Syd just talk to her,” Sam ordered. “Sex will only complicate things right now.”

  It was too late for that.


  “She probably needs a friend,” Adalyn said. “Since we’re the same—”

  “She’s Gray Tail.”

  “What?” Sam asked with a frown. “Who’s Gray Tail.”

  “Cambrie said she had connections to the Gray Tail pack,” Sydney clarified. “Her cousin was killed by Sorrento, and it’s possible the cousin owned the land the pack lives on.”

  “I guess that makes me a valuable prize,” Cambrie said from the doorway and all three heads turned at once.

  “I didn’t scent her, did you?” Sam asked Sydney.

  Sydney shook her head. “No.”

  “Hi, Cambrie,” Adalyn said giving her a smile as she got to her feet.

  Sam moved quickly putting herself between Adalyn and Cambrie, but Sydney noticed there was no need. Cambrie didn’t move more than two steps inside the office.

  “Miranda left,” Cambrie told them. “I was wondering if I could get a ride to the store. I need food supplies.”

  “The fridge and cupboards are stocked,” Sydney told her quietly.

  “I didn’t check,” she said. “It would be rude to ramble through someone’s home.”

  “I meant to tell you,” Sydney answered.

  “I guess you thought I’d just read your mind,” Cambrie muttered icily.

  “Damn it, stop being so testy,” Sydney snapped.

  “Why?” Cambrie demanded.

  “Because I said so!”

  “Yes, O Mistress.” Cambrie bowed her head and Sydney growled.

  Adalyn laughed. “I’ve never seen you lose your cool, Sydney.”

  Sydney drew in a breath and released it slowly. “Cambrie, that’s Adalyn.” Sydney watched as Cambrie turned to look at Adalyn or what was visible of her from behind Sam. Her expression was oddly curious and hungry.

  The coyote urged Sydney to go to her, and she couldn’t fight the need though she knew she couldn’t give Cambrie what she was craving yet. Not until she was certain Cambrie wasn’t a threat to pack.

  Cambrie looked at her as Sydney slid and arm around her waist pulling her against her.

  “You and Patricia Cutter were lovers?”


  “There has to be more to the story. You didn’t just wake up one day and decide to leave,” Sam said.

  Cambrie shrugged. “People grow apart.”

  “When was the last time you talked to Patty?” Sam asked evenly.

  Cambrie studied her for a moment and then stepped away from Sydney. She wrapped her arms around herself. “I saw Patty and Sorrento last six months ago when they tried to recapture me,” she told them. “Patty made me part of her pack and you don’t leave Midnight Howling alive without the pack leader’s blessing.”

  “She just made you part of her pack?” Sam demanded skeptically. “Hyenas don’t do that. She wanted something. What was it?”

  “She wanted your power,” Adalyn said softly and Sydney heard a wealth of sorrow in her voice.

  Cambrie looked her way. “Yes.”

  “Which is what exactly?” Sam demanded.

  Cambrie shrugged. “I’m a clairvoyant, so how did he die? I was trained by Sorrento in defense and interrogation. He was military before hooking up with Patty.”

  “Why did you leave the pack?” Sam asked.

  “I found out Patty had my grandmother killed,” Cambrie admitted coldly and threw a glance to Sydney. Her eyes glittered with anger.

  “So you want payback?” Sam asked. “That’s why you’ll help us?”

  “I can’t keep running from them.” It was a good enough reason for Sydney, but she could tell Sam wasn’t swayed.

  “You own Gray Tail lands now?” Sam said throwing Sydney a questioning look that told her she’d guessed based on what Sydney had said moments ago.

  “And you want it,” Cambrie said evenly. “I won’t be selling. Neither will I oppose you taking over as alpha should you defeat Sorrento and Patty. According to my cousin’s detailed records, there’s never a fealty paid by the alpha. I won’t ask one.”

  Sam’s expression was unreadable now yet Sydney knew Sam was devising a plan to test Cambrie’s sincerity. She’d be part of it because she and Sam were bound too by a bond that made them sisters. And nothing came between sisters.

  Her coyote howled in rage at the injustice, at the betrayal being conceived without a spoken word.

  “Why’s Patricia here?” Sam asked. “From what you know about her, what’s her beef with us?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. What I do know is she almost died here, so I don’t think she wants to stay.”

  “She wants revenge,” Adalyn murmured.

  “Probably,” Cambrie agreed. “She wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “The girl is still very much alive,” the cop said.

  Sorrento stared at him in the dimly lit living room. Patty was upstairs with her lover and no doubt making plans for their takeover of Gray Tail. Her trust in him was a gift he would do nothing to destroy. She was a deadly foe from a long line of deadly spotted hyena shifters.

  Her family had been legendary and to him still were.

  “What about Jonas?” Sorrento demanded uncertain how the girl had managed to elude death at the hands of a hyena shifter. He’d been one of their best men who could easily have subdued and killed the human.

  “He’s dead,” the cop told him. “I saw his body. Here’s a picture of the girl.” He removed his cell phone from his pocket and brought up a picture before holding it out to him.

  Sorrento took it and his jaw dropped. The clairvoyant whose power was razor sharp? He’d never been able to break her during his training of her. She’d had mental toughness even some Navy Seals didn’t.

  Despite her soft heart and her empathic tendencies, she’d been one of their deadliest assassins. Still, Patty had given her plenty of incentive. The girl had learned the hard way that there were worse things than death.

  “Are you certain this is the girl?” he asked.

  “She’s the girl Cargo saw Spring with, and the girl from the club,” he said. “Leah confirm
ed it. And from the way the bitch reacted to the damn crime scene tech, I’d say the girl’s her mate.”

  Patty was going to love this. Killing Clara or whatever the hell her real name was—he’d researched her himself. She more or less didn’t exist. Natasha Night had merely came into being one summer out of nowhere along with her grandmother, Cecily.

  “Anyway, the coroner has no clue how he died either. The girl said he fell and hit his head.”

  “It’s fine,” Sorrento said distracted. He handed the phone back. “Get going. I don’t want you to risk being seen here.” When he was gone, Sorrento headed for the stairs only to find Patty descending them. “Jonas is dead, and his killer is Natasha Night.”

  “She’s here?” Patty demanded.

  “And she’s in the care and keeping of the coyotes.”


  The galley kitchen was big enough for two and the warm tones took the edge off her ragged feelings. Still, as Cambrie dried the last plate, she cast Sydney a sidelong glance. Her expression was guarded telling her Sydney had doubts about her.

  She didn’t understand why as her mate she would. Sydney was supposed to belong to her, put her above anyone else. The animal was loyal to its other half and that was part of what made shifter love so strong and lasting.

  Cambrie craved that emotional connection with Sydney. Instead, Sydney’s animal belonged to her pack, more specifically to Samarra. She hated Sam for it, despised her pack for having a part of Sydney that should be hers without question.

  Since only that sensual side of Sydney was hers, she’d enjoy that until they’d defeated Midnight Howling. Not having her mate would hurt, but the sooner she resigned herself to it, the easier it would be to deal with in the long run.

  “I didn’t want you caught up in this,” Sydney said shattering the taut silence. “That’s the real reason I didn’t want to get involved with you initially.”

  Cambrie threw her a look. “So you do date dancers?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “You were the exception I was going to make.” Cambrie saw the self-deprecating smile before it flitted away. “Most of the dancers give me a wide berth, but you just kept pushing,” Sydney said, her voice throbbing with annoyance.

  “It’s clear you’re a dick,” she replied and Sydney glared at her. Cambrie smiled. “I’m going to stay here after this thing with Patty is over, and I’ll be looking for another job.”

  “So, you’re just using me and my pack to help you get well and truly free of her?” Sydney demanded in a mocking tone.

  “I may as well get something out of this,” she said with a shrug. “A fling with you is good, but my life back is better. I want to have friends again, fall in love.”

  Honestly, she was certain now that all the fairytales tell lies. In real life happily ever after isn’t a prince or princess charming. It’s peace of mind and when this was over, she’d begin building the life she needed not the one she wished for.

  “Do you seriously think I’ll allow someone else to touch you?” Sydney demanded softly.

  “You have me now, but after this you can’t stop it,” Cambrie told her evenly but she knew how hard it would be to take someone else as a lover. It would always feel as if she was cheating on Sydney.

  Sydney growled and Cambrie flinched.

  Sydney trapped her in place and stared down at her with the coyote-gold eyes. “You have a habit of pushing boundaries, but don’t push that one.”

  Cambrie’s anger flared higher as she bristled up at Sydney. “Then, I suggest you don’t give me a reason to seek pleasure elsewhere.” Cambrie leaned toward her and nuzzled Sydney’s jaw, biting playfully. Sydney gripped her arms and jerked her back so their eyes met. “Don’t threaten me.”

  “That was the truth.”

  Sydney growled and then kissed her hard. Her fingers became bruising as she gripped Cambrie tighter. Cambrie pulled free and Sydney closed her hand over one neatly knotted ponytail and tugged Cambrie’s head to one side and bit her.

  Cambrie’s eyes widened as sharp teeth sank into her. The pain was negligible, but there was an immediate connection between the coyote and the animal energy inside Cambrie. Her power flared so bright it extended from her to encompass Sydney before heating.

  An animal growl rumbled around her and a soft whine escaped her as she braced her hands on Sydney’s hips. Her knees weakened and her power receded but it wasn’t the same. She felt joined to the other woman on a fundamental level.

  “No one else can have you.” The words were in her mind, inside her shields stroking her, caressing her deep inside.

  Cambrie shivered, fear of just how true that might be. She might walk away from Sydney, but there was no knowing what Sydney would do. She was a shadow and shadow coyotes didn’t divorce their mates.

  “You can’t just bite me whenever you want,” she muttered, pushing at Sydney, but the woman didn’t even move. She was more muscular, but Cambrie knew it was her animal strength. Even the females of the shadow coyote breed were strong.

  Sydney grunted. “How’s your shoulder?”

  “It’s sore. I told you that. Now, get off me.”

  Sydney kissed her jaw. “Why?”

  Her lips were so soft and the feel of her hands as they glided up and down her arms was relaxing—arousing.

  “Because you’re just trying to use sex to control me,” Cambrie murmured. Her thoughts were fuzzy. Her hands moved of their own accord squeezing Sydney’s hips lightly.

  “You read my mind before, didn’t you?” Sydney said softly, her warm breathing fanning Cambrie’s ear. “You know once wasn’t enough for me.”

  Cambrie whimpered. “I’m still mad at you.”

  Sydney pushed her hands beneath Cambrie’s blouse and Cambrie shivered. Her fingers were slightly rough and calloused as if she worked with them but not rough.

  “You have no idea how terrified I was when I pulled up to that duplex and found the police there. I feared what might have happened to you.” Sydney released the clasp of her bra and slid her palm up to Cambrie’s nape. “I heard your voice in my mind. You sounded so afraid. I knew I’d kill anyone who laid a finger on you.”

  Sydney trailed soft kisses to her throat and Cambrie sighed. “Don’t stop.” Her voice was a ragged plea and sharp teeth grazed her skin before warm tongue licked over the hollow at the base of her throat.

  Sydney nipped at her chin as she cupped her breasts. Her thumbs played over the hard tips before pinching them. Cambrie moaned and Sydney pinched them again sending ripples of intense pleasure through her from the bite of pain.

  Sydney withdrew her hands to grip the bottom of her shirt and tugged it up and off. She brushed the thin bra straps aside and the fabric tumbled to the floor as Sydney gave one firm globe a light tap.

  Her breathing hitched and heat sparked in her blood, increasing her arousal. Sydney tapped her nipple starting a burn on her skin and then she hit it harder drawing a moan from Cambrie.

  “You like that?” Sydney gave her other breast a tap before hitting it harder. She dipped her head and ran her tongue around the areola before closing moist lips over the taut dark peak. She sucked, let her tongue tip play over the point, sucked again and lifted her head to palm the flesh as she turned her attention to the other nipple.

  “Sydney,” she moaned, rough sensation drawing her into a vortex of pure feeling.

  Sydney sucked hard and pinched the vacated tip. She lifted her head and captured Cambrie’s lips for a slow kiss as she glided her hands down Cambrie’s side to her hips. Their tongues dueled as Sydney released the button of Cambrie’s pants.

  Her hand darted inside, fingers sliding between Cambrie’s legs to brush the dampness of her panties. Sydney pressed her fingers up the moist slit to the swollen nubbin of Cambrie’s clit.

  Cambrie gasped. “Yes.” She needed her touch, the feel of her lips as everything faded away except this moment.

  Sydney sucked her throat and pushed her fingers past the
band of Cambrie’s panties. Cambrie’s breath came out in jagged pants as the pads whispered over her clit, causing more of her sticky juices to ease from her. Her eyes closed and she pushed her fingers into Sydney’s thick hair.

  “Oho yes!” She drew in a ragged breath and rested her free hand on Sydney’s nape. “Baby, you feel so good touching me like that.”

  “How does this feel?” Sydney’s thumb pressed against her clit while one finger tested the readiness of Cambrie’s pussy.

  She bit down on her bottom lip. “I need more, Syd.” She tightened her grip in Sydney’s hair and rolled her hips trying to impale herself on her finger. “Please, give me more,” Cambrie begged.

  Sydney chuckled and withdrew her hand to give her pussy a tap. “How much more, Cam?”

  “Just more.” She whimpered and scratched Sydney’s nape before gliding her hand down to rest on her arm. “Baby, fuck me.”

  “Like this?” Sydney slid two fingers into her slick heat while pressing her palm against Cambrie’s clit.

  Cambrie gasped, breathing harder. “Like that.”

  Sydney drew her fingers out and thrust them back in slow and easy. “Your pussy’s so wet and tight. I love how it clenches on my fingers.” She replaced her palm with her thumb, pressing it firmly against the clit and fucked her with rough strokes. Cambrie writhed against her hand, gripped her hair and scratched her arm as the hunger raged out of control.

  “Oh, yes!” She mewled as Sydney took her faster, slamming her fingers in, fucking her with dominant mastery. Cambrie threw her head back against the counter door as bliss engulfed her.

  Her body trembled and her nails locked in Sydney’s skin as she cried out.

  Sydney kissed her and Cambrie curled an arm around her neck as she pressed close to her, feeling their hearts beating wildly. She didn’t know how this would end, but right now with her in Sydney’s arms was all that counted.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sydney lifted her in her arms and carried Cambrie to the bedroom. She laid her on the bed and Cambrie sighed as she stretched. She heard water in the en suite bathroom and Sydney returned with a t-shirt and a warm cloth to clean her up.