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Getting Nawty With the Coyote Page 12

  “Mica’s a good woman,” she said quietly. “She doesn’t deserve to be fucked over, so if Jericho sent you here to set Mallory, Samarra and Sydney up, I’ll kill you to save her from having to do it.”


  “She’s into you, big time,” Brynn said as if she’d never attempted to speak. “You’ve got her by the pubic hair. It’ll cut deep if you’re just a mole.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jerry rubbed his hands together in excitement as he saw Cadillac’s car pull into the driveway of the small house in Mystic. He kept the place as his play house, not wanting this part of his life to in any way connect to his life in Snowbury. And the distance between him and his neighbors gave him plenty of privacy.

  He and Cadillac hadn’t been able to hook-up after this morning, thanks to all the meetings he’d had today. Keeping the bank running on an even keel was important to him as well as ensuring the townspeople got no idea that he was anything other than the man he appeared to be. Besides that, he enjoyed the work.

  Jerry watched him pull the car to a stop and his heart beat faster in anticipation. So far, the tracking of Amy’s electronic communications had yielded nothing to worry about. Isa was the only one she’d been in contact with, and Amy’s cell phone had been destroyed, making it impossible for the texts to be linked to him.

  Jerry would be in the clear, and they’d be back in business. In a few days, he’d make sure his inept executioner took a long trip into a deep grave.

  Cadillac cut the engine and climbed out of his car. His stride was quick, quickening Jerry’s pulse at the sight of the box in Cadillac’s hands.

  “Sit it here.” He ordered pointing to his own car. “Did you look inside?”

  “No, but from the lightness of it, I think you’re going to be disappointed. On top of that, Jenner was there, too. I just out ahead of him with this.”

  Jerry jerked off the lid, his stomach churning. Two smaller boxes greeted him, and he pulled first one free and ripped off the lid. His heart stopped.

  “Fuck! This can’t be,” he snarled and pulled out the other box to find it empty as well. He growled.

  Jerry grabbed Cadillac by the lapels of his shirt and jerked the man toward him. The beta averted his gaze quickly and Jerry shook him.

  “Where is it? I know Isa had the information. I’ve gone through her apartment with a fine-tooth comb. I didn’t go through this just to see my plans fail.”

  “Nothing was there, Jerry,” Cadillac retorted. “I told you, you were being premature in killing her. Amy knew where the book was, and she knew about Stonington. If they get their hands on it, you and your buddies are dead.”

  “Thank you, Sherlock,” he snarled.

  “She knew you were coming for her, and so did Amy,” Cadillac said. “They could have hidden the proof anywhere. What about the Coalition? I don’t trust Bradley. We won’t be able to get rid of the coyotes if he betrays us.”

  “He’s in this up to his eyeballs,” Jerry muttered.

  Bradley wanted those women gone as badly as he did and not just because of their plans to expand their territory or develop the coyote lands for their own profit.

  Bradley wanted to take over this area too, and they were willing to share the profits as well as the defense of the town and Mystic. To do that, they’d have to kill off all the Coalition members eventually.

  “If I go down, so does he. That’s why he’s sending someone to search Amy’s. I think she might have overheard him talking about one of his playmates as well as the plans we were making for taking over.”

  “There was nothing concrete on those plans, right?” Cadillac demanded.

  “I don’t know, but there are plans drawn up for the development of the coyote lands, starting with their stakes in Mystic.”

  “That borders his land,” Cadillac murmured.

  “So, you can understand why he’d have as much to lose as I do. If they get wind of his desire to drive them out, he’s going to have to pull back or wage war.”

  “Especially since that’s Samarra’s pack.” He shook his head, eyes bright with respect for the woman. “She’ll be hard to take down without the Coalition at his back.”

  “And they won’t be if they find out about our special proclivities. Now, you go get that waitress and find out what she knows and kill her, because if this fails, you don’t get your own little pack.”


  Kamari hadn’t waited around for Brynn once Sydney had called her back inside. She didn’t need to be a mind-reader to realize Sydney had been attempting to prevent friction between her friends. So, Kamari had called a cab.

  She was eager to get home to have a look at the data from Amy’s. After paying the cab, Kamari headed up to the porch with the car’s headlights lighting her way. She’d left a light inside on, but not the porch light since it was out. She quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside.

  Kamari sighed and checked out the house before heading to her bedroom to take a shower. She started the water and then decided on a long soak instead. Her nerves were a little frayed.

  She stoppered the tub and then added some scented liquid and bubbles formed in the heated water. Satisfied, Kamari went into the bedroom to undress before gathering a few candles and taking them to the bathroom to light them.

  She poured herself a glass of wine and went back to the bedroom where she dug out her Kindle and tapped the audiobook app. Starting the book, she climbed into the tub and leaned back with a sigh.

  Kamari closed her eyes and listened to the Mary Higgins Clark mystery she’d selected. But her thoughts strayed after five minutes, going to Mica. Kamari hadn’t expected Mica to refuse her tonight, but the animal wasn’t angry.

  Mica had bested her, showed her dominance definitively enough that the wolf was eager to continue to engage her. The woman was intrigued that Mica had risen to the challenge rather than slunk away as human women did.

  But Mica had disappeared tonight rather than come looking for her. Logically, Kamari understood it was probably business, but she was still a little pissed that Mica hadn’t at least said goodbye.

  Kamari began washing herself using a sponge as she turned that question over in her mind. When she was finished, she leaned back for a moment and listened to the end of the chapter before climbing out.

  The lamp in her bedroom suddenly went dark and the imperceptible sound from the front of the house had Kamari quickly grabbing the terry robe from the back of the door and padding into her bedroom. She had a gun and it was registered.

  Kamari decided against using the gun and slipped back into the bathroom to wait the intruder out. She figured it was someone—probably the person she’d seen at the club—come looking for the information she’d taken from the storage locker.

  She leaned against the wall behind the door, having left it cracked, so she could see into the bedroom. It seemed like hours before she saw the shadowed figure and the pale glimmer of flashlight danced around the room.

  He began opening drawers. Then, he stopped and tilted his head up. “Come out,” he ordered. “I can smell the bath oil.”

  She didn’t move and he strode into the room turning on the light. He jerked the door back to stare at her from behind a ski mask.

  “I said get out here.” He drew back and struck her across the face and grabbed her arm and snatched her from the bathroom. “Let’s not beat around the bush,” he said and shoved her toward the bed. “I want the items you took from the storage locker.”

  “What storage locker?” she asked rubbing her aching cheek.

  “Don’t fuck with me, woman,” he said icily. “I will kill you. And while you’re at it, tell me what Isa told you.”

  “About what?” Kamari asked sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed so her feet rested on the floor.

  Her wolf came to full alertness now, focusing on the man’s rising and falling chest as he stood a few steps from her.

  He closed the distance and r
eached out to hit her with the flashlight, but Kamari drew her legs in and pushed them out slamming them into his thighs. The impact sent him stumbling backward, and Kamari climbed from the bed and moved for the door.

  Something hit her in the back and she cried out arching, slowing in her movements long enough for him to catch up to her. He grabbed her hair and jerked her backward.

  Kamari cried out as he threw her to the floor and straddled her. He hit her with an open hand and Kamari snarled at him before lunging up to swipe her clawed hand across his face.

  “Shit,” he said and barked at her as he pressed harder down on her and gripped her around the throat. He banged her head against the floor. “Where is the information?”

  “I wouldn’t give it to you even if you asked nice,” she said. “Tell Jerry to come get it himself and tell me who killed my sister while he’s at it.”

  He blinked, the look in his eyes confused for a moment.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re a dead woman.”

  “You should learn more about the man who sends you to kill for him,” Kamari said coldly. “He’s probably going to kill you if I don’t.”

  “And you won’t,” he muttered.

  “Think again,” she said and stared into his eyes. His gaze was dark with fury, the confusion gone. Kamari sent out an arc of energy, hot as a match and it collided with his head.

  He shook it off, and she sent out a harder blow and it slammed into him. Kamari held focus and the energy intensified. His eyes widened, and he let out a scream and rolled off her.

  “Bitch! What are you doing to me?” He screamed.

  She’d heard it called a psionic skill, but her mother had called it a rare and coveted family ability called tele-pyrokinesis. She set fires inside the body that burned her victims from the inside out.

  “Who are you?” Kamari demanded and scrambled to her feet.

  “Your killer, but I’ll kill you faster than I killed Isa,” he said and lunged at her, claws out.

  Kamari braced for the impact even as she sent out a third telepathic strike. This one bloomed red in the air, heating it, before rushing him. He screamed and sank to his knees.

  The attacker reached out for her, and she cocked her head left.

  “Who sent you to kill me?” Kamari asked, the animal in her tone. “Tell me and I’ll finish you quickly. If you don’t, I’ll let you burn painfully.”

  “Freak,” he gasped. “You can’t stop them, and I won’t help you try.”

  Fury turned her nails to claws and the air hot. Energy cycled through her and Kamari hit him with another blast and flames danced on his hand and shirt before slipping beneath the skin.

  Even as she watched him writhe in agony, knowing his brain was being turned to mush as it cooked along with his insides, her animal instincts told her to hit him again.

  The noise level in the room rose as the intruder managed to get to his feet and bolt for the door.

  She shifted, the heat of her body high. The wolf form bled to pure energy, no fur, no bones as it pursued him with malicious intent. Kamari heard a loud thud and the screaming stopped.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Kamari shifted back, continuing her trek naked. Her skin was still slightly damp and hot as the rage continued to simmer in her belly.

  In the living room, Kamari found him stretched out on the floor at Mica’s feet and pulled up short. She’d been so focused on him she hadn’t noticed the change in scents or maybe her wolf had. But the animal hadn’t considered Mica a threat because she was hers.

  “Mica,” she said quickly as guilt slid through her like a knife through butter.

  Mica cocked a brow at her before bending down to jerk the mask from his face. The skin was lobster red and blistered in some places.

  “Hell.” She attempted to feel for a pulse and jerked her hand back with skin on it. “Holy fuck.”

  “Is he dead?” Kamari knew the chances were good and right now, she didn’t really give much of a damn. He’d meant to kill her, had killed Isa.

  Mica got to her feet and whipped out her phone. “What happened?”

  The gray stare held no recriminations, but it was hard.

  “He broke in and attacked.”

  “And you did what? Set him on fire with your bath water?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kamari muttered.

  “Yeah, Tiny. I’m over on Snowdown Road. Our waitress was attacked. Someone broke in… Yeah, he’s still here… I’ll wait.” She ended the call. “Get dressed. I don’t want those pigs drooling all over you.”

  “Don’t start giving me orders, Mica,” Kamari snapped.

  “Do you need help? My belt doesn’t mind giving you a hand,” Mica retorted.


  “Then, hurry up. Tiny will be here soon.”

  She backed up and Mica followed, her gaze sliding over Kamari, and Kamari shivered. “Now would be the perfect time for a striptease.”

  “Mica,” she said breathlessly and turned to stride into her bedroom. Kamari discarded the robe on a nearby chair to a low growl of approval.

  “God, you’re so damn beautiful.” Mica said from behind her before running her hands down Kamari’s arms. Mica kissed the back of her neck before biting her.

  Kamari moaned despite the slice of pain. Mica kissed the side of her neck then bit a trail to her nape.

  Kamari sank into her, savoring the feel of sharpness stinging her skin. “You make me so hot.”

  “And you drive me insane.” Mica cupped her breasts.

  Kamari reached back to stroke the side of Mica’s head. “I like it when you touch me like this.”

  Mica pinched her nipples and Kamari gasped.

  “Your scent is getting more arousing,” Mica said. “Tell me to fuck you.”

  Kamari laughed. “Actually fuck me this time instead of punishing me?”

  “Not right now,” Mica said in a ragged tone. “Later. Tiny will be here any minute. When I take you next, you’re going to give me exactly what I want, Mari, do you understand?”


  Mica released her just ahead of a hard knock. “Dress,” Mica ordered. “And let me do most of the talking, pup.” She exited the room.

  Kamari hurriedly tugged open a drawer and removed lingerie, slipping into it as she heard voices from the living area.

  “What the hell happened here, Mica?” A masculine voice demanded.

  Kamari was buttoning her shirt when she heard another knock.

  “What happened, Tiny?” Jenner demanded. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Powell,” Tiny said quietly. “I think—it’s hard to tell with the scent of burned flesh and the damage to his skin.”

  “What?” Jenner thundered. “What the hell—there better be a damned good explanation for this, Mica.”

  “He broke in here and attacked Kamari, asshole,” she snapped.

  “Oh, yeah, then why’s he laying there?” Jenner demanded.

  “She obviously defended herself,” Mica retorted.

  “My god,” Jenner exclaimed. “Get the fuck out here, Sang.”

  Dressed, Kamari joined them. “What is it?”

  “What did you do to him?” Jenner demanded and Tiny glared at her.

  “I got him off me,” she said.

  “How? Set him on fire with your good looks and dazzling wit?” he demanded and went charging toward her.

  “Jealous?” she drawled and Jenner reached for her only to take a punch to the side from Mica.

  “Back the hell off,” Mica ordered, moving to bar his way, and he grabbed her and slung her out of the way. He reached for Kamari and stumbled from the kick Mica delivered to his calf.

  “Tiny, arrest her,” Jenner shouted. “Assaulting an officer.”

  Tiny moved toward her and Mica growled at him. “Do you want me to put you on your ass, Jenner? That’s what’ll happen if you touch her.”

  “Arrest her.”r />
  Tiny removed his handcuffs while Jenner grabbed Kamari’s arm.

  “Let me go,” Kamari said. “I had a right to stand my ground in my own dwelling.”

  Tiny let out a grunt and Kamari turned her gaze on them in time to see the bigger blond male falling to the floor.

  Jenner turned then, too, and Mica turned back to him. He moved to avoid the punch, swinging Kamari into the path of the oncoming fist. She ducked it and sent an arc of heat into his hand.

  Jenner let out a cry and released her. Kamari stumbled and Mica caught her.

  “Jenner, you are asking for an ass kicking for that,” Mica snarled.

  “Mica,” Kamari said in a warning tone. “He’s a cop.”

  “Who’s about to bust your ass for assault,” Jenner said.

  “I’ll file charges for police brutality,” Kamari said. “You attacked me without cause, and I’m the victim here. I didn’t go out on the streets and invite this guy in. I was just getting out of the bath.”

  “He’s got third degree burns over his face and hands.”

  Kamari shrugged. “He walked into a flamethrower for all I know.”

  Jenner glared at her. “I want answers,” he said. “Tiny.”

  The other man just lay there, out cold.

  “I’m tired of this shit,” Jenner muttered. “You fucking coyotes think you’re above the law. Tonight, you’re going to jail, and you, Agent Sang, better give me some answers or—”

  “Or what?” she cut him off in a steely tone. “I don’t know him, and there is nothing in this house that could have done that to him. So, I’m being questioned and let go.”

  Jenner lifted his lip in a silent snarl. “Don’t either of you move,” he said and whipped his cell phone out. He made a quick call and then leveled a look at Mica. “Get over there. I want to talk to your girlfriend.”

  Mica folded her arms over her chest and stared him down. “Talk.”

  He let out an impatient growl. “Did Powell say what he was doing here when you let him in?”

  “I didn’t let him in,” Kamari retorted. “When he jerked me from my bathroom in my robe, he asked me what Isa said to me, and then he said he was going to kill me faster than he killed her.”