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Taking It Off for the Coyote Page 13

  “You’re Summer Oak,” he said. “We—my condolences on your loss, but we had no hope you were even alive despite what we’ve heard.”

  “Back,” Sydney ordered him when he took a step.

  “No offense, but we’re not doing this without Summer,” the man leaning against the stall said. “Oaks and Red Oaks were the true alphas of the pack. We always suspected Oaklyn and his crew killed your cousin’s father in hopes of getting control of the land and the pack.”

  “Son of a gun got a nasty shock when he found out the land went to Skye, and she was too smart to piss off her heritage,” Cruise said and let out a bark of laughter.

  She hadn’t been Summer in a very long time. Her mother had changed her name to Cambrie after they left. It had been changed to Natasha after her mother’s death. But she recognized Cruise. He was older than her by at least eight years, and he was even hotter than the last time she’d seen him. He’d been skinny dipping with Rick and a few other boys.

  “Rick?” she asked the man behind Cruise.

  “You remember, peeping Tommi?” he asked in a teasing tone.

  She smiled wide as she went to walk around Sydney.

  “Come on now,” Cruise said leveling a look at Sydney who growled a low menacing sound. “We came here to talk, and it’s clear what’s going on here.”

  “We can hear you fine from there, Summer,” Rick said.

  “This is our position,” Cruise said. “We’re not on board with Midnight Howling taking over our pack, and we’re not going to bow down to those stinking hyenas. We’re looking for an alliance.”

  “Can’t give it,” Sydney told him.

  “Summer’s ours, she’s a chief’s granddaughter, an alpha’s granddaughter and heir to the land.”

  “But you’re forgetting one thing,” Sydney said coldly. “She’s mine.”

  “Not completely,” Rick said nonchalantly as he pushed off the door and prowled closer. “She only partially smells like you.”

  “That changes nothing,” Sydney snapped.

  “It does on our end,” Rick told her coldly. “Still, we need your might to take them down.”

  “But they aren’t the only problem we have.” Cruise spoke again. “Jericho’s ready to move against Snow Fur the moment Sorrento gives the order. It’s to be a four front attack once the battle starts.”

  “Wait. I thought you said Jericho,” Sydney growled.

  “He did,” Rick retorted. “The wolf alpha is in on this, but we have no idea how much of his pack even knows about this let alone is on board with it.”

  “That sneaky little jerk,” Sydney muttered.

  Cruise grunted. “He is sneaky enough, but you should have guessed by now he’s only left Snow Fur alone because he thought Oak would back you up. The bastard can’t stand you, and he despises Blacklaw and Summerfield.”

  “I guess he hates women in power,” Cambrie murmured.

  “Unless they’re under his control,” Cruise said.

  “Tell me about this four-fronted attack,” Sydney ordered.

  “Oaklyn will lead those of our pack supporting Sorrento, and Sorrento will lead a second team against you. His pal Darden will hold the third front while Patricia the alpha will take the fourth to box you completely in.”

  “Fuck,” Sydney whispered and her hand went to the necklace beneath her shirt.

  Rage overlaid fear as it hit Cambrie, and she put a hand on Sydney’s side. She knew her terror, saw the bloody battle as it played out in her mind. She wrapped her arm around Sydney sensing her need for her comfort.

  “You need us and we need you,” Cruise said. “Sorrento is going to move on you regardless in a week’s time. He’s counting on all our resisters being dead. They plan to kill us soon.”

  “A party,” Rick said. “I overheard some talk. They fear if they don’t dispose of us soon, we’ll rise up to hold the land until Summer arrives to claim it.”

  “We can launch an attack during the event,” Cruise said. “If you’ll back us. Sorrento’s people will be there, and his allies will be standing by to move in, but we’d be able to take them down with your help.”

  “We’d have to divide our teams,” Sydney murmured. “And we won’t have time to move our young.”

  “Neither will we,” Cruise said. “We’re probably going to lose half of them, but I’ve already made plans to protect all within my reach.”

  “So, what are you proposing besides us coming to your aid?” Sydney asked carefully.

  “We know that should we defeat Sorrento together, you’ll consider that a defeat of our pack,” Cruise said. “I’m prepared to step down as alpha with concessions.”

  “Which are?” There was more tension in Sydney’s body.


  “Silence,” he snapped. “My people, my dominants won’t be subjugated as long as they act in the best interest of the new pack. We won’t be pushed off our land and those who want to leave will be allowed to without being hunted as an enemy.”

  “But it’s my land,” Cambrie said. “I get the say, not them.”

  “Hold your tongue, Summer,” Cruise ordered sharply and Sydney growled. “Sydney and I both know the score here.”

  “I’ll get back to you,” Sydney said. “I can’t make promises without Sam’s consent.”

  “You have four hours,” he said. “Rick.” He held out his hand and Rick tossed him a small phone. “It’s a burner.” He held it up. “I’ll call you on it. You can give me your answer then.” He tossed it in Cambrie’s direction and she caught it. He carefully moved, stepping sideways as he headed for the door.

  Sydney watched him as he drew closer. She growled and Cambrie moved behind her knowing what Sydney was capable of and feeling her unease. Rick tipped his head in a nod as he moved behind Cruise to walk backward as he edged toward the door.

  Cambrie gave him a smile and he grinned and winked at her which earned him a snarl.

  “Syd,” Cambrie murmured as she rested a hand on her lover’s back.

  When the door closed behind them, Sydney turned to Cambrie. “Childhood friends of yours?”

  “Not really. They’re older than me, and I used watch them skinny dip in the lake.”

  Sydney grunted. “So you’re bi?”

  “No, but they’re hot, so I checked them out. I checked out the hot girls too.” She shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with appreciating beauty.”

  “Just don’t do it around me,” Sydney muttered. “Let’s get back. I’ll need to talk to Sam and Mallory. I also need to know where you stand.”

  That wasn’t a question Sydney should have had to ask her, but it proved Sydney wasn’t going to cut her any slack or take much of what she said on faith. “I told you I was moving to Gray Tail, and I’ll be looking for a job.” She shrugged.

  “Meaning?” Sydney demanded. “They think you’ll do as I’d like, but the truth is your loyalty is divided.”

  “No it’s not,” she said softly. Her heart and her loyalties were with Sydney. Sydney was just too blind to see that. “It’s where it should be, with me.” She headed for the door and Sydney grabbed her arm and pulled her back against her. Her lips played along Cambrie’s neck making her shiver.

  She had fallen in love with Sydney somehow in this craziness that was going on, but she couldn’t tell her. She just wished she could hide her response to her.

  “With me is where your loyalty belongs.”

  “Where’s yours? With Sam? Mallory? I have to look out for my interests.”

  “You have me to do that,” Sydney murmured and there was anger in her tone. “Accept that I’m not letting you go, Cam.” She bit the side of Cambrie’s neck. “If you try to leave me, I will hunt you and drag you back.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she said huskily as Sydney’s hand slithered up to close around her throat. Sydney had to know they couldn’t have a healthy relationship built solely on their animal connection.

  “I will,” she whis
pered. “And I will kill anyone who attempts to take my place in your bed.” She bit Cambrie’s earlobe. “Don’t make me prove it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “This needs to go off without a hitch, Damien,” Patty told him coldly. She shaded her eyes against the morning sun as she stared over the expanse of Gray Tail land. It was nice but nothing like her den in Arizona. She’d sell this place once she had the deed and had her primary targets heads to hang on her wall.

  She didn’t really care if she didn’t decimate Snow Fur. She just wanted Blacklaw, Summerfield, and Spring dead. Anything else would be gravy.

  “Oaklyn’s pitching the party as a get acquainted event for two days from now. I don’t want to make him suspicious since he has no idea the food will be dangerous.”

  “That gives me two days to plan the attack on Snow Fur. And I expect that Natasha will be sticking close to the coyotes, so she’ll likely be telling them everything she knows about us.”

  “I’ll build in a few contingencies,” Sorrento replied. “However, I think she’ll expect that. Natasha knows a lot about how I do things.”

  “Don’t deviate too far from the plan.” Patty shrugged as she squinted her eyes against the sun.

  In Natasha, she’d always seen a core of steel hidden beneath her kind nature and hunger for love. Patty believed under the right circumstances, the teacher could be just as dangerous as any coyote whose back was against the wall. She’d withstood her torture and come out with the core of who she was still intact.

  Six months ago, Natasha had proven she still had a world of fight left in her, and she’d doubtless be looking for revenge or just plain simple freedom from Midnight Howling. So, she would fight since she now had allies at her back.

  Natasha had enough determination that Patty thought she might survive, and she’d leave her alone. However, she couldn’t have this land.

  “Just enough to make her question,” he said snagging her attention.

  “Well, the wolves aren’t going to help them thanks to the deal I made with Jericho last night. He’d love to take control of the Gray Tail lands. I’m going to sell him half.”

  The wolf alpha would be a good ally. “For his refusal to come to Snow Fur’s aid if asked?”

  “Exactly,” she said. “He’s been most cooperative throughout allowing me to borrow some of his people. I had no idea how much he truly despised Blacklaw.”

  “Why not just take them out himself? He’s the bigger, more dominant pack,” Sorrento mused.

  “He has the numbers, but it was always possible Snow Fur and Gray Tail would defeat him.” She shrugged.

  “Didn’t have the balls,” he murmured. He could understand to a degree. Dominant women were treacherous.

  “Apparently not,” she retorted. “We’re going to show him how it’s done.”

  “Enjoying the view?” Oaklyn asked as he joined them with a smile.

  “Yes.” Patty returned his smile. “I can’t wait to make it all mine. Any word on the heir?”

  “Yes. I’m planning a hit, but she’s vanished for now. So, I’ve got the word circulating that the heir needs to come make a claim on the bodies and the land. If she doesn’t she’ll forfeit the property.”

  “That might draw her out,” Sorrento said but he wasn’t relying on it. Natasha had proven to be somewhat wily in the past. “When you hear from her, let me know when she’s to show up.”

  “I will.”

  “There will be a big reward in it for you,” Patty told him with a smile. “Now, while we await her call, finish showing me around.” She held her hand out to him.

  Oaklyn gave her a self-satisfied smile and took it.

  Patty happily let him lead, but she wasn’t going to be sorry to see him go.


  Sydney headed back to the house instead of going to the den. She knew she couldn’t take Cambrie there yet if ever. Sam didn’t trust her, and she was only barely certain her mate wouldn’t betray them.

  Sydney pulled into the driveway, spying her bike at the curb where Mica must have parked it. She pulled into the garage and cut the engine. “I’m going to talk to Sam. You can grab a bite to eat.”


  After they were inside, Sydney went to Sam’s office finding her there with Adalyn and Mica. Coffee wafted through the room telling her Sam had brought it with her since there had been none brewing in the kitchen.

  “Where’ve you been?” Sam demanded.

  “A meeting with Gray Tail resisters,” she answered.

  Sam studied her for a moment, and she saw a question in her eyes. “Are you going to share or do we have to guess?”

  “They want to make a deal,” Sydney told her and then relayed the conversation.

  “What did Cambrie say?” Adalyn asked. “Will she assent to allowing us to live on the land?”

  “She didn’t say,” Sydney said. “But I don’t think she’s in this to betray us.”

  “Why not?” Sam demanded. “She’d be perfect. She has you by the crotch and you’re a close friend of mine.”

  “And then there’s her power,” Adalyn said. “She won’t tell us what it is. I think it’s because she knows we’ll realize what a threat she might be to us.”

  “She’s not a threat,” Sydney muttered. “She’s just caught in an impossible situation. None of us can blame her for being wary. She has to be wondering if we’re going to stab her in the back to get her land.”

  “I’ll kill her if it’s necessary,” Sam told her coldly.

  “Sam, don’t force my hand here,” Sydney told her.

  “No one’s forcing anything,” Adalyn said soothingly. “We just need to know where Cambrie stands.”

  Sydney pushed out a rough sigh.

  “There’s one way to find out,” Sam said. “A test.”

  “No,” Sydney said angrily. Cambrie held back from her as it was and the animal was frustrated and angry that its mate didn’t trust them completely. This would only make things worse.

  “Can you tell me you’re one hundred percent certain of her? Even sixty percent?” Sam demanded.

  “No.” She had her fears more than she had doubts. She didn’t want to be played for a fool, but the coyote trusted their mate and wanted nothing more than to be closer to her.

  “Then, let’s find out if she’s a friend or foe.”

  “I need your answer to the Gray Tail demands,” Sydney said with a sinking feeling.

  “Once we know where your girlfriend stands, I’ll give you an answer.”

  “He wants it in four hours,” Sydney muttered. “And I think we should agree. Cambrie isn’t going to be a problem.”

  “We’ll see. In the meantime, you need to get out to the den and take care of your duties there,” Sam said. “Mica will keep Cambrie company.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Cambrie leaned against the counter, adding sugar to her tea and thinking about the meeting. From what Cruise had said, she suspected she’d be more than welcome into the den once this was all over. She could have a home among those like her where she could eventually be happy.

  She wouldn’t go against Sydney’s pack since there was no reason to especially since a union between Snow Fur might be a good thing. Both packs would provide a measure of security for her. Cambrie would know she wouldn’t be alone in defending against reprisals by Patty should they only drive her out.

  Hearing footsteps on the wood floor, Cambrie prepared to bring up the subject of the land and the terms of Snow Fur being allowed to live on her land. She was certain an agreement could be reached that might Sam might accept. Then Sam appeared at the bar. Her expression was cool as she studied Cambrie.

  “Sydney had to go out for a while, but I’ll be here all day and so will Adalyn.”

  “Oh, I really needed to talk to her about something important,” she said.

  “Her obligations to the pack are important, Cambrie,” Sam told her in a hard tone. “We’ll talk later ov
er lunch. You can pass on all the usable information you have on Sorrento and his partner then. We can also talk about your plans for handling Gray Tail land.”

  She shook her head, anger sparking in her. “Will you be patting me on the head and giving me a bowl of kibble too?”

  Sam arched her brows, her eyes chilling. “If necessary, I’ll even cut your throat, whelp,” she told her harshly. “Trust is earned not handed out like candy.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. The fact that I was going to tell her I’d do whatever she thought was right as concerns the property was really stupid. I should really wait until we earn each other’s trust a little more bec—”

  Sam growled low and menacing before closing the distance between in the blink of an eye and latching a hand around her throat. “Don’t fuck with me little girl,” she snarled. “Tell me what your girlfriend has planned for us.”

  Her power rose quick and fast matching her anger, and she sent rage out in a sickening wave that slammed into Sam. At first she didn’t react, but the second wave had Sam’s grip slackening and her face contorting in pain.

  “Stop it!” Adalyn cried and a wave of energy sliced along Cambrie’s shoulder.

  She didn’t change her mental focus, but she did step closer to Sam who was struggling to shake off the pain assailing her.

  “Now!” Adalyn sent out another bolt of her energy and it hit Sam when Cambrie moved only slightly to use Sam as her shield. “Bitch,” Adalyn said as she moved and Sam backhanded Cambrie.

  Cambrie let out a cry and fear snaked through her. Shadow breeds really knew no true equal when it came to protecting their mates. Sam would kill her here and now, and she saw it in her eyes.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but your death will stop it.” Claws emerged on her free hand and Cambrie hit Sam with a telepathic blow. Sam growled and stumbled.

  “Sam, don’t make me kill you, please,” she screamed. Sam snarled and everything seemed to slow down as Sam’s claws drew closer. Fear swamped her, rage washed over her, and then ice.

  She hit Sam with a hard telepathic strike that caused her to jerk from the force and sink to the floor. Cambrie quickly knelt to protect her head.