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Embers of Desire [Sequel to Lighting a Flame] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3

She moved against him, her pussy wet against his thigh. He pushed his hands into her hair and tipped her head back as he broke the kiss. “I want you so bad,” he murmured. “I won’t be able to savor you like I want to.”

  “You’re doing a good job, so far,” she said huskily.

  “Yeah? Let’s see if I can raise my game a little.” He lowered his head, leaning her back a little to swirl his tongue around a dusky areola before flicking the tip over the hard little pebble. He drew on it once and then again, harder before lashing it with his tongue.

  Tyler grazed the tender flesh with his teeth thinking she was truly a delight worth savoring and then his lips closed over the peak again.

  Chapter Four

  Her eyes closed as his hot mouth engulfed her nipple. Her stomach clenched, her fingers flexing behind her. He bit the flesh curve of her breasts sending prickles of pain through her, and she moaned softly. She’d forgotten how much she liked the pain.

  Her breathing came in harsh pants as he bit her harder before swirling his tongue around the neglected nipple. He licked the taut peak before scraping at it with sharp teeth and then he pinched it.

  She drew in a sharp breath. He pinched her nipple harder and her pussy creamed. Danica swallowed tightly. “Oh my God, Tyler.” Damn her body was a heated coal, threatening to turn into a three-alarm fire.

  He slapped her breast once, twice and pinched the nipple. “You’re such a responsive sub, baby,” he murmured roughly and then sucked on her nipple harder.

  Danica cried out as pinpricks of pain bit at her. “Oh fuck, yes.” Her head rolled from one side to the other. Her clit throbbed and her womb clenched. She wanted him inside of her so bad it almost hurt.

  Tyler drew back so their eyes met. “ How long has it been since you’ve let a man love you?” He grabbed a condom.

  Danica panted. Chills ran up her spine at the hunger in his eyes. Damn him. The connection between them felt so strong that his pretty way of putting what he was about to do to her almost made it…different. It was almost like he really wanted her, but she knew once he came, probably before her, he’d lose interest.

  “You’re misjudging me,” he said as if reading her mind. He rolled on the condom and then gripped her hips. “But we’ll get to that later. Right now, come here.” Tyler lifted her hips and slowly guided her down on him.

  She caught her breath as the shaft parted her folds. He was thick and hot as he slowly slid deeper into her slick clasp. “Just do it,” she ordered. “Damn it.”

  “Why?” He held her as she tried to slam down on him. “It’s been that long since you’ve let a man inside your body and your life?” He kissed her before she spat an insult at him and cupped her ass. He squeezed and slowly urged her down again.

  She broke the kiss. Danica strained to take him faster, but Tyler smiled as he held her fast claiming her by slow inches.

  “Relax, baby. Just feel me taking you,” he ordered softly. “Savor it.”

  She trembled, her stomach muscles tightening. Damn he was making sure she felt every vein-rich inch, and it was pleasure and pain. It was bliss. “Damn,” she said tightly when he was finally inside her.

  “Now, take me nice and slow, pretty woman,” he commanded gripping her hips.

  She hated him, but she wanted him, loved the feeling of his cock. She lifted and slowly lowered onto it again. She closed her eyes setting up a slow and easy rhythm that was maddening pleasure.

  Her heart raced. Her blood had her skin hot and flushed. Her thoughts were a jumble of confused delight as the haze of arousal closed around her and held her in its thrall.

  Moving faster because he let her, she caught her bottom lip between her teeth and closed her eyes. A soft groan escaped her. Why did he have to feel so good.

  “Look at me, Danica,” Tyler ordered. “I want to watch your pleasure.”

  She kept her eyes closed ignoring him, shutting him out as the bliss—she gasped as he stood. Her eyes flew open and Tyler set her on her feet. He released the cuffs and jerked her around to face the sofa. “Hands on the arm,” he ordered. “Now!”

  His voice was a harsh whip over her skin. “T—” She broke off as his hand landed hard on her bottom. “Damn it.”

  “Now, Danica. Hands in place, or I’ll make it ten.”

  She was slow, but she bent forward and his hand landed heavy on her ass again. The palm burned over her cheek again and again.

  “When I say do something, sweetheart, do it,” he ground out and dropped his hand on her ass again.

  Son of a bitch. She should be fighting him, but her instincts weren’t kicking in. Instead, she was enjoying his domination.

  “Such a good girl.” He pushed back into her and reached around. His fingers found her clit, rubbed lightly. “I should have taken your ass.”


  “We’ll get to it,” he murmured as he worked her clit. “You feel so damn good, Dani.” He gripped her hip and began stroking into her. His strokes were slow and deep wounding her back up to a fever pitch before he took her faster.

  “Tyler,” she whispered his name as he pounded into her. Hard. Fast. Good. “Oh my God!” She screamed as her juices gushed from her coating his condom. His fingers still worked her clit as her orgasm rushed her. “God.” She pushed his hand away. She was too sensitive for touch.

  Tyler thrust into her one more time and let out a harsh shout as his orgasm slammed into him.

  Moments later, breathing barely normal, Tyler pulled out of her and disposed of the condom. Danica went into the bathroom to clean up. When she returned he was leaning against the wall near the door. She gave him a cursory look.

  “That was fantastic.” She started across the room where she’d left her clothes, and he grabbed her arm bringing her around to face him. “Tyler.” She looked up at him.

  Tyler led her to the sofa and dropped down on it. He pulled her into his arms. “That was amazing, Dani, but what’s even more amazing is having you in my arms now.”

  “What?” She frowned.

  Tyler gave her a slow grin. “I want to just hold you a minute.”


  “Because,” he murmured and nuzzled her jaw before kissing her.

  She moaned softly looping an arm around his neck giving in for a minute. He felt so good, so solidly male against her. She could just lose herself in him and not care.

  “I want to see you again, Dani,” he said against her lips. “I want to take you out to dinner.”

  Dinner? No. She pulled away. “I really do have to go, Tyler.” She climbed off his lap, and he let her go.

  Shaking with fear of what was happening to her, the feelings tracing through her, Danica dressed quickly and hurried for the door before he was even fully dressed.

  Tyler Quinn was dangerous to her. He made her want to open the door of her heart to him. She couldn’t risk that. She’d been torn apart once already and that had been enough to last her a lifetime.


  She ignored the command in his voice and sprinted out the door.

  * * * *

  His cell phone rang and Tyler looked around the room for it. He spied his pants and went to pluck his phone from them. He glanced at the display. “Yeah?” he asked coolly.

  “I’ve got the model, and I want to get her fitted and do the commercial and get things set up for the ad,” Sidney said into his ear. “How long do you think it’s going to take to get production underway? She has a couple of other engagements.”

  “I’ve got a few details to iron out with Danica, but production should start within a few days.”

  “Great, we can get the commercial done before she has to leave to shoot the movie,” Sidney answered.

  “Why are we shooting it so soon?”

  “It’s not soon,” Sidney replied impatiently. “Besides, Kaela has a few other engagements.”

  Kaela was gorgeous and she was a good sub too as he recalled. Professionally, she was a notable face that cou
ld draw millions of buyers for them. She was black but she had that kind of universal appeal that women could identify with.

  Coupled with Danica’s name, this campaign could be ether best one in years. Her lingerie was the shit.

  According to a poll he’d had taken before going after her, seventy-five percent of the women in America between the ages of eighteen and forty-five owned at least one piece she’d designed. That was a big chunk of their target market.

  “Is Danica on board?”

  “Yes,” he said. “She’s finalizing the designs, so you’ll have to hold up on your shooting schedule.” “Don’t get your boxers all bunched,” she replied drolly. “I know what I’m doing. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  “Bright and early,” he muttered. “Meet me for coffee.”

  “Sure,” she replied. “Bye.”

  He blew out a breath and shook his head. The scent of musk lingered on the air and his lips pulled into a grim line. What was he going to do about Danica? There was definitely chemistry between them, and she would be the perfect woman for him. She was a strong beta he’d trust to dish out a little pain to him now and again.

  He wasn’t going to let her go even if he had to bring another woman into their bed on occasion just to make her happy.

  Chapter Five

  Danica got to the store the next morning to find Tyler already there as usual. She was hard at work in her office. She took a sip of her coffee as she knocked on the half open door.

  “Come in, Dan,” Vinessa called.

  Danica stepped into her office. She hadn’t slept well last night and wished she hadn’t stopped wearing makeup because a little concealer would have come in handy. She’d lain awake trying to make sense of her fiery attraction to Tyler Quinn. He was the first thought she had when she woke and the last one before falling asleep.

  She’d told herself it was because he was something new and intriguing, but the fire he’d started in her wasn’t buying it.

  “Morning,” Danica said with a smile.

  Vinessa looked up at her. “You look tired,” she said. “Quinn keep you up all night?”

  Danica grimaced and Vinessa laughed. “Shut up,” she muttered. “He did not keep me up all night.”

  Vinessa smirked as she glanced down at something on her desk. “Nothing wrong with it. You’re both consenting adults,” she said and then leaned back in her chair. “So, why are we meeting with him this morning?”

  “He wants to talk about the belt buckles,” Danica answered. “I told him I wouldn’t design any for Merchant Jeans unless you okayed it.”

  “Your design,” Vinessa answered with a frown. “Besides I doubt you’re doing the same style for them.”

  “No, but it diminishes our uniqueness,” she replied.

  “It could, but Dan, we’ve been over this,” Vinessa said. “If you want to do this, do it. I’ll back you.”

  She sighed. She knew Vinessa would say that, but she also knew how much her friend liked the belt as a signature item. Then again, maybe she’d just been stalling or something. The man just left her so confused it put her on the defensive around him.

  “If you’re sure,” Danica said.

  “As long as you don’t use the ones you designed for us, I’m cool with it.”

  Danica nodded. “Okay.”

  “You okay?” Vinessa asked. “You seem a little out of sorts. Is he rattling you that much? I mean it was clear there is some seriously interesting chemistry between you two.”

  “No. I’m just a little stressed about this whole thing.”

  “You’ll do fine,” Vinessa said with a smile. “You’re one of the best, a genuine article.”

  Danica returned her smile. Vinessa had always been supportive of her to the point that sometimes she’d been afraid of disappointing her by being just ordinary. Vinessa could be so bold when she wanted to be. She, on the other hand, wasn’t fearless, she was cautious, but finding a rat taped to your car door and dead flowers with maggots in them had that effect on a girl.

  Her ex’s wife had been a stone psycho and the woman had meticulously stalked and tortured her for six weeks before she discovered who’d been behind it.

  “Well, I better get to my office,” she said. “I have a few things to do.”

  Vinessa studied her pensively. “Okay.”

  Danica hurried to her own office. Vinessa had a tendency to see right through her. She hated being so transparent. She’d certainly felt that way with Tyler last night. He’d been exquisite sexually, and she’d wanted him a second time, but she’d been too afraid of the feelings, the hunger he inspired.

  Danica put her purse down and slumped onto her couch. She let her head fall back against the back and closed her eyes. Last night was the only time. She couldn’t get involved with the man she told herself harshly.

  * * * *

  Tyler was shown to Vinessa’s office two hours later. He’d dressed in his favorite gray suit with a red shirt and green tie. After last night, he was a little unsure of what to expect from Danica. Being drawn to her—hell, he wasn’t drawn to her. He was half-way in fucking love with her just from courting her for Merchant Jeans.

  The problem with the whole thing was, Danica seemed more than a little reluctant to explore the attraction between them. However, he was willing to chase her as long as it took to catch her.

  “Good morning, Tyler,” Vinessa greeted him with a smile.

  “Morning.” He nodded. “How are you?”

  “Great,” she answered and motioned for him to sit in one of the chair before her desk. The chocolate and mint were a surprising combination for an office combined with the paintings of sex toys. “Danica is on her way.”

  “She and I were talking about the belt buckle designs yesterday,” Tyler said without further preamble. “She was worried there would be a conflict.”

  “Yes, well, I’m glad she discussed it with me,” Vinessa said. “I do feel like the designs should be Fantasy Brokers exclusives, but I’d never try to prevent her from advancing her career.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Tyler answered and broke off when he would have said more due to the rap on the office door.

  “Come in, Dan,” Vinessa called.

  Danica stepped in and her gaze went unerringly to Tyler’s whiskey one and her stomach immediately clenched. Damn he looked good in gray. She tore her gaze from him to meet Vinessa’s. “Started without me,” she teased.

  “Couldn’t help it,” Vinessa said. “Why don’t you sit down?”

  Danica took the chair next to Tyler’s, but she looked everywhere but at him. “So, what’s the verdict?”

  “You know what I think,” Vinessa answered. “I don’t mind as long as you don’t cross the line.”

  “Meaning?” Tyler asked, his gaze going from one woman to the other.

  “Meaning,” Vinessa said when Danica didn’t speak. “I don’t have a problem with Danica using the design as long as she doesn’t use the ones she’s going to use for us.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of interfering with that,” Tyler said. “The element will enhance both products.”

  “I agree,” Vinessa replied. “Anything else we need to clear up?”

  They talked for another fifteen minutes before Tyler glanced at his watch and told them he had another meeting.

  “So do I,” Vinessa said.

  “We’ll get to work tomorrow then, Danica,” Tyler said giving her a look.

  “Nine?” she asked.

  “That’ll be fine,” Tyler agreed with a smile.

  “Dani could you walk him out?” Vinessa asked as her phone rang.

  “Yeah.” She gave her friend a questioning look and headed out of her office.

  “I know last night wasn’t something either of us expected to happen,” Tyler said once they’d stepped outside of Tyler’s office, “but you have to admit we can’t just undo it.”

  “We’re not going to try,” she said. “That was last night. It’s o
ver.” She started to move past him.

  “Dani.” He said her name softly and she turned to look at him as her stomach fluttered.

  “Tyler.” Her tone was breathless.

  “I’ve got a thing for you, girl, and I can’t deny it just because it scares the hell out of you.”

  Her eyes widened and then her brows snapped down. She glared at him and started walking again.

  “I don’t want to just walk away,” he said, pulling her to a stop down the hall.

  She shook her head. “It’ll never work,” Danica told him. “Now—”

  “Where’s your office?” he asked.


  “Take me to your office, Dani,” he murmured firmly.

  She led him down the hallway to her office agreeing it would be best for her to deal with this now rather than tomorrow. She stepped inside determined not to go any further than just past the threshold. He closed the door and faced her.

  Danica planted her fists on her hips. “I don’t know what crazy ideas you have,” she said coldly. “But forget about them.”

  “What part? Hmm? I let you have the dominant edge last night didn’t I? I proved I’m willing to compromise.” He stroked his hand up her bare arm sending goose bumps over her skin. “A real man can be dominant, baby, and still give his woman what she needs.”

  His touch seared her skin with heat and awakened her nerve endings. Each one became hyper aware of the solid warmth of him, of the woodsy smell of his soap and aftershave.

  Danica pushed his hand away as her brain staggered beneath the weight of sensations coursing through her. He’d let her play, but he’d been the dominant one and they both knew it.

  “I—that sounds like an ideal thing except the fact remains that it will never work.” She averted her gaze. Looking into his warm whiskey eyes was like being caressed by him.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “Look at me, talk to me. Tell me what about this isn’t going to meet your needs and I’ll tell you what I can do to fix that.”

  She swallowed tightly. “None of it can work,” she told him.