Getting Nawty With the Coyote Page 9
“Could it have been faked?”
“Yeah, but that means someone is working hard to set Mallory up,” Sydney said.
“He thinks if he gets Samarra convicted he can get the land, but the coyotes there won’t go for that,” Cambrie muttered.
“They’ll fight,” Sydney agreed grimly.
“What if they found out he’d joined forces with the hyenas and is probably responsible for the deaths of a few of his own packmates?”
“They might kill him if there’s proof to back it up, but we don’t have any,” Sydney said.
“We can’t let him get away with this, Syd,” she murmured and reached across the table to cover her mate’s hand with hers. “I could make him kill himself.” Cambrie had the ability to make people see, think, or do anything she wanted.
“No,” Sydney said firmly.
“I love you too much to lose you to this madness,” Cambrie said angrily. She was lucky to have found someone as sexy and smart as Sydney. Her mate was the right-hand woman to an alpha and head of pack security. And Sydney was her heartbeat, her home.
“I love you, too, Cam,” she murmured.
“I won’t allow anyone to take you from me or destroy my pack,” Cambrie told her evenly.
Cambrie squeezed Sydney’s hand. “They’ll see just why you didn’t have to go after Connie. I could have done that myself.”
“Honey, I’m not letting you do that. You’ll obey me in this.”
Cambrie glared at her and turned her gaze away, deciding arguing with Sydney was futile. Her mind was made up. She’d never allow anyone to take family from her again.
Her stare landed on two women a few tables away. They talked for a moment and then one walked away.
“Isn’t that the new bartender-waitress?”
Sydney looked around. “I guess,” Sydney said with a lack of interest. “Since the club is closed for the next few nights, why don’t we grab a romantic dinner?”
“I’m working on my last routines. Jenner is letting the dancers in, but the play area is closed.”
“Come on. Sam wants me to work on some security stuff anyway.”
“Then pick me up later,” Cambrie said. “Kamari.” She motioned for the woman to come over. “She’s pretty. She any good at the bar?”
“I don’t know,” Sydney muttered.
“She looks like she has a few good moves. Mica’s always checking her out when she’s serving.”
“So,” she said coldly and Cambrie smiled.
Her woman was so damned touchy, but she was starting to think it was something to do with the shadow coyote as a breed. They were Indian-born coyotes who were said to be able to walk between the worlds, but her mate had no such ability to navigate the astral plane.
However, she was stronger than some males and more ferocious than any normal coyote.
Kamari groaned inwardly. She’d only stopped in for a quick drink before she headed to Amy’s. She had spent part of the morning at the library in hopes of finding something on the pictures in the scrapbook.
What she’d found connected to a couple of those places including the park where her sister jogged. And Kamari was beginning to think she might need to hand the book over to the FBI because only a serial killer would have kept such mementos.
She pasted on a smile as she joined the dancer and her bouncer at their table. “Hi, Cambrie, Sydney.”
“Have a seat.”
“Thanks.” She pulled out the chair across from them. “How’s it going?”
“Things could be better, but I heard life’s been a little exciting for you,” Cambrie said. “Did Isa say anything?”
“Nothing?” Sydney asked. “Not who killed her? Who was playing with her?”
Kamari felt a slight push at her mind as if someone was trying to slip past her mental shields.
The mental shields were part of the aura, the egg-shaped energy around the body. There were many layers, but the one around the head area was associated with the mind and its ability to prevent violation.
Kamari swiveled her gaze on Cambrie noticing her eyes were a shade darker as if she was expending psychic energy.
Kamari felt a stronger push and focused her own power and shoved outward just hard enough to force her to pull back. Cambrie gasped and blood trickled down her nose.
“Cam, are you okay?” Sydney asked and quickly handed her a napkin.
Cambrie made a pained face. “I’m fine.” She took the napkin and wiped the blood away.
“Are you sure?” Kamari asked.
“Yes,” Cambrie said coolly and Kamari cocked a brow at her.
The other woman held her gaze, a hint of fire flashing there. Cambrie was no lightweight, but neither was she.
“Anyway, I did see someone, but not really,” Kamari said evenly.
“You didn’t see her face?” Sydney asked arm going around Cambrie.
“I think it was a man,” Kamari told them and turned her attention back to Sydney. “Why don’t you just ask Mica? I thought you guys were friends.”
“We are, but she hasn’t said much,” Sydney commented.
“Oh.” She took a sip of the chocolate-coffee shake she’d ordered.
“I thought Ella worked that area,” Cambrie said. “How’d you end up there?”
“Ella was invisible last night,” Kamari replied. “So Candy sent me up.”
“I wonder what’s up with that,” Cambrie commented. “Where are you from?”
“Why’d you leave?” Cambrie pushed.
Kamari gave her an amused little smile. She couldn’t get into her mind, so she was going to try to get information from her the old fashion way.
“It was time for a change.”
“A change that brings you to a small town?” Sydney asked curiously. “What are you hiding from?”
Kamari leaned toward them. “I’m not hiding, I’m looking for a new start.”
Both women stared at her, but it was Sydney’s eyes that filled with understanding.
“Are you finding what you’re looking for?” Sydney asked.
“I’m starting to,” Kamari replied and turned her head, feeling eyes on her. She felt Mica coming from their left and her wolf raised its head, drawing in a deeper whiff.
Cambrie grinned. “Hmm.” She threw Sydney a look.
Kamari turned her head to find Mica talking to someone and watched her, hunger stirring inside her, but it wasn’t just sexual. It was an ache for something meaningful, lasting, but Kamari would never admit that out loud.
Still, Mica could become an addiction despite her need for control.
Her gaze locked with Mica’s and Kamari shivered, her breath catching. Mica’s eyes flashed gold, the animal greeting her.
They could both be making a mistake letting this go any further, but she wasn’t sure she could pull back even if she wanted to.
“Ladies,” Jenner said from their right and all heads turned in his direction. “Miss Sang, you’re just the person I was looking for.”
“Why? I’ve told you all I know.”
“You neglected to tell me you were an FBI agent whose sister had just been murdered.”
“And how’s that affect the cost of beans in your neck of the woods?” she asked coldly. “I’m living my life not running an active investigation.”
“Waiting tables? Tending bar?” he asked, a skeptical note in his tone. “Come on now, you boys and girls never just walk away from a job.”
“What can I say? I’m just trying to grieve and move on.”
“I want to talk to you,” he said. “In private.”
She got to her feet. “Excuse me,” she said to her companions.
Jenner motioned to the door at the front of the building, and Kamari went ahead of him. She faced him once she was outside.
“What do you want?”
He took her arm, and she tu
gged free, giving him an annoyed glare. His touch was offensive, almost painful to her and her wolf.
He frowned but didn’t speak as he led the way to the back of the building.
“I talked to the sheriff in Hartsland, so I know about your sister. So, what do you think you’re going to find here that proves she was murdered there?” he asked putting his hand on the butt of his gun.
“At what point did I mention my sister?” she asked crossing her arms over her chest. “I wasn’t satisfied with what I heard. I’m still not, but that has nothing to do with Isa. So, if you don’t mind I’d like to head on home. I’ve got a date tonight.”
“Who with?” he demanded grabbing her arm when she started to leave.
Kamari gave his hand a pointed look. “I doubt it’s your sister, so back off.”
Jenner growled, the irritation clear in his eyes. “Smart ass.” He tightened his grip and she attempted to pull free, but he held it fast.
A growl drifted to them on the air, low and menacing. Kamari felt the leading edge of dark rage and it was clear Jenner felt it, too, because he released her as he looked up.
Chapter Seventeen
“What are you doing, Jen?” Mica asked in a tone so cold Kamari almost got frostbite. “Do you want a limp?”
Kamari felt the heat of Mica at her back now. She didn’t turn, but she did take a step back toward her even as Jenner took a step away from them.
“I’m doing my job whether it’s okay with you or not,” he snapped. “And if you lift a finger against me, I’ll arrest your ass so fast your head will spin.”
“That won’t stop me from beating the snot out of you.”
“Try it,” he snarled and took a step toward them. “I’ll have you doing five for assault.”
“Take the human way out, pussy,” Mica said acidly as she eased Kamari to one side and moved to stand in front of her so seamlessly Kamari barely noticed it.
He growled at her and looked over her shoulder. “I’ll bury you,” he said low. “So don’t push me.” Jenner’s eyes flashed gray, the wolf staring at them for a moment.
He wasn’t any more dangerous than any other normal wolf. A shadow coyote could tear him apart, Kamari thought.
“I think we both know where this is heading if you don’t keep your hands off her,” Mica told him. “Did you get the security footage?”
“Yeah, and some of it was useless which means someone in your security stopped the tape.”
“We didn’t,” Mica replied. “But Cinnamon pointed the lag out and Samarra is looking into it.”
“What about the keys? And Isa’s tablet? Did you or Samarra take them?”
“We didn’t touch the purse,” Mica told him. “Maybe the killer took them because they were part of the reason for the kill.”
“Why was she even in Coyote Closet? Her parents said she wasn’t gay,” Jenner said crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m sure Mallory’s mentioned something.”
Mica shrugged. “Maybe Isa’s man wasn’t getting the job done, and she wanted someone who could.”
He grunted. “Not in this fucking lifetime,” he muttered looking her up and down. “A toy will never compare to the real thing.”
“Well, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Your girl won’t come walking into the club for satisfaction. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have other things to do.”
“I will bring Samarra and Mallory to justice for this, Mica,” he said quietly in a tone thrumming with anger. “And anyone else covering for them even if this means a broken alliance between our packs.”
“Is that a warning from your alpha?” Mica demanded.
“It’s my truth.” He gave them a last look and strode to the parking lot.
Mica faced Kamari with the coyote still in her eyes. That wolf was in trouble, but she didn’t understand why Mica’s coyote was taking such an interest in her.
“Did that jackass hurt you?” Mica demanded.
Her voice was rough, but her winter frost eyes were gentle. “No,” Kamari said quickly. “He’s a cop, you can’t be so confrontational. He’ll have to arrest you.”
“If he’s a coward, he will,” Mica told her. “But otherwise he knows what to do if he wants to settle this the animal way.”
“Mica, sweetheart,” Kamari said patiently. “He can’t do that.”
“Here we rule, and only a coward will bring the human justice system into a fight,” she said. “Go home.”
“That wasn’t in my immediate plans.”
Mica took a step closer to her. “Don’t go sniffing around without me, Kamari.”
The warning in her tone was hard and her eyes glowed gold.
“I’m not afraid of wolves,” Kamari said softly. “And it’s becoming clear that my Jerry is a wolf. He can’t hide behind his pack or his alpha for much longer.”
“Damn it, girl, don’t push this so hard,” Mica told her. “Let me take the lead.”
“I told you, I’m not—”
Mica snarled at her, and Kamari gritted her teeth. Her wolf’s head bowed, but she refused to give in to Mica’s dominance.
Mica closed that minute distance between them. “Mari, I’ll have you thrown out of this town, and make it known to all three alphas that you’re here to make trouble. The guards will eat you alive.”
Kamari’s jaw dropped and fury sliced through her, blade sharp. “You asshole, you wouldn’t?” she whispered.
“Yeah, baby, I damn well would,” she crooned as she got in her face. “Now, take your pretty ass home and when it’s time to do some investigative work, I’ll let you know.”
Kamari growled, hands balling into fists as her energy sizzled down her spine. “I’m not your sub, and you’re certainly not my superior. I’ll do any investigative work I choose when I choose.”
“You’re whatever I want you to be,” Mica told her icily. “Now get out of here.”
Seething with anger, Kamari took a swing at Mica’s face before she even formed the intent and Mica caught Kamari’s wrist deftly avoiding the claws. Then, she twisted Kamari’s wrist up behind her back as she jerked Kamari against her.
Mica bared her teeth in a growl. “Don’t ever come at me with claws again, little pup,” she said softly. “If you do, I’ll throttle you, baby.”
“Let me go, Mica.” Kamari shoved against her.
“You’re a brat,” she said roughly. “But God, I could just fuck you right here.”
Kamari gasped. “That would be bad.”
“Especially since you’re a candy-assed wolf who’s afraid of a big bad coyote with a belt.”
She laughed mockingly. “You’re the one who’s afraid to engage without being a bossy-assed, controlling lover. And it’s a shame because I want you so bad I can barely keep my hands off you.”
“It’s too bad you can’t take me as I am,” she murmured. “My coyote can’t seem to stop wanting to touch you either.”
She closed her eyes soaking up the warmth of Mica, the dildo pressing into her lower belly. Kamari wanted to rub against her, entice Mica to touch her, stroke her.
“Come over tonight?” Kamari asked breathlessly and then she did rub against Mica.
She wasn’t thinking she could change Mica, but her wolf craved closeness with the infuriating coyote. That scared and excited Kamari so much she was willing to play with Mica on Mica’s terms, but Mica would never break her. They’d have to find a middle ground.
Mica’s eyes flashed gold. “My animal can’t say no to you, which makes this thing dangerous,” she whispered. “But don’t tempt me in public.”
“Afraid my wolf will tame your coyote?”
Mica laughed and it was a low sound tinged with humor. “You can’t handle me, let alone tame me.”
“Maybe not, but can you make me submit?” Kamari nuzzled Mica jaw and if she was honest Kamari wanted her to. The wolf relished the thought.
“Hey,” Sydney said from behind them before Mica coul
d reply. “Is everything okay? People are starting to stare.”
“Who gives a damn?” Mica asked, irritation in her tone and she slowly released Kamari.
The loss of her hand brought a chill to Kamari despite the warmth of the sun caressing them. And her wolf snarled silently at Sydney for interrupting.
“What happened with Jenner? Was he trying to bully you, Kamari?”
“No,” Kamari said as she turned to face Sydney fully. Next to her, Cambrie stood with a curious stare which she chose to ignore for the moment. “He was just doing his job.”
“Which isn’t always pleasant,” Cambrie said tartly as she wrinkled her nose.
Kamari turned her gaze back to Mica wanting to touch her, to feel her. The need only intensified each time Mica touched her with her animal so close to the surface. It was as if they were connecting animal to animal leaving their human sides to bring up the rear.
And that wasn’t good since Mica would never accept her claim. Mica’s pack came first. So, Kamari had to be careful to avoid her animal’s dark and violent nature escaping.
“What about tonight, Mica?” she asked.
“I’ll call you.”
“Right. Do that,” she said and her wolf growled in anger at the subtle rejection. “I’ll see you guys at the club.” Kamari gave Mica a last look, their gazes held and the intensity in Mica’s burned through her.
Mica was strong, passionate, sexy, and smart. Kamari would give Mica anything if Mica was truly woman enough to demand it—and Domme enough to push her boundaries.
Chapter Eighteen
Mica exhaled roughly and took a few steps away from her friends. Not because she was avoiding them. Kamari’s scent hung in the air, that orchid-rose vivid and powerful as it snaked through her nostrils filling her senses.
She gritted her teeth as she turned to watch Kamari walk away. The coyote wanted nothing more than to go after her and—fuck!
Mica stopped the step she’d been about to take and ran her hand over the back of her neck, pulling her animal back and clamped down on it.
“I’ve got work to do,” she said throwing a look over her shoulder to Sydney merely to take her eyes off Kamari and the sway of her firm little butt.