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Page 6
She laughed and Mica loved the light dancing in her eyes. It made her even more lovely.
“Let’s just say S&M is one of my guilty pleasures.”
Mica leaned closer to her. Most of her lovers got it, but some of them just couldn’t abide her penchant for the darker edges of sex. She kissed Kamari hard and nipped her bottom lip before looking into her eyes. They were growing heavy-lidded with arousal with the silver slashes becoming flecks.
“I’m the top, Kamari, don’t forget that ever,” Mica murmured. “Never try to top me, or I’ll punish you with five to eight lashes depending on the time, method, and place of your transgression.”
“Control freak,” she said and rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious,” Mica said in a steely tone. “Don’t push that. It’s a hard limit unless I tell you otherwise.”
“Mica, I don’t live BDSM. I just play,” she said lightly. “Now, let’s clean up unless you’re thinking of tumbling me into bed first.” Kamari gave her a smile.
Mica’s animal growled, urging her to bring the girl to heel immediately, but the human half of her shoved the command aside. “I—”
“I know, Mica. You’re working me not getting into me,” Kamari said with a shake of her head. “I was just teasing.”
Mica grimaced. The animal sensed the hurt behind the words though her tone never changed and it growled at Mica, not pleased with her.
“Shut up,” she muttered and trailed after Kamari, following her to her bedroom.
Kamari wasn’t her mate. She was just highly appealing and Mica had nothing against taking her to bed.
Mica found Kamari in the bathroom, water running in the sink, her expression bland as if she was trying not to allow this to get to her, but her body was a tight line of tension from shoulders to back.
“It’s not that I don’t want you again, Kamari,” she said. Normally, she wouldn’t bother to explain because she wouldn’t see the woman more than a few more times anyway. So, it wouldn’t matter what she thought as long as she understood this would never go anywhere.
Kamari gave her an annoyed look and went back to cleaning herself up.
“It’s not a big deal. I knew what this was before you pulled my panties down. I can’t be pissed because you got me off so good I want a repeat performance.”
Mica’s gaze drifted to her back wondering about the tattoo Kamari had sported last night. Through the open dress, Mica saw a crescent moon with claws on either side where a simple paw had been last night. The claws bled into a tattoo of symbols that just hugged the edge of her right shoulder and ran to mid back on the left side.
The marks weren’t like any tribal tattoo she’d ever seen. It was discolored—hyperpigmentation—yet exactly like the markings of a shadow kiss, a shadow coyote’s mate. She was the one woman who could bear pure-bred children for a coyote female.
“What’s this?” Mica asked and went to touch the mark, breath held.
“Birthmark.” She shrugged and tossed the towel into the sink. “It’s unusual, but so is my family.”
“In what way?” Mica demanded. “What kind of shifter are you?”
Kamari gave her an annoyed look in the mirror. “Why? Are you afraid I’m going to try to force you into a relationship?” she asked bitterly. “Don’t worry. I’m not here to get a mate.”
Her stare was as icy as her tone and the coyote yipped-growled in offense, while the woman glared. Kamari’s lips lifted in a frosty hint of a smile before she stepped out of the bathroom.
“I think we should start with Isa’s family and friends unless you have a better plan.”
Mica’s fingers curled, itching to jerk her back. The wolf hated her insolence and demanded Mica take her to task for it, but she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to regain control.
“You need to watch your tone, sweetheart,” Mica warned.
“I’m not your bitch,” Kamari told her. “I’m a plaything when we’re breathing hard, but when we’re talking business, I’m just another colleague.” Kamari tilted her chin up in challenge, her dark eyes filled with defiance that grated on her coyote’s sense of dominance.
In a heartbeat, Mica was in front of her, a hand in her hair, tugging her head to one side. “Little girl, I suggest you dial it down a notch before you get my belt on your perfect ass,” Mica said coldly.
Kamari’s brown eyes flashed with fury, and she shoved at her. Mica released her and jerked her belt from its loops and Kamari’s eyes flared wide.
“What are you—”
Mica growled and Kamari broke off mid-sentence as she backed away.
“Don’t even touch me,” Kamari said pointing at Mica. “I told you I don’t do Domme/sub shit out of bed.”
“That language isn’t really befitting you,” she said. “Is that a no to us?”
“I—damn you,” she muttered looking away, lips flattening.
“You can say no,” Mica murmured. “We can still work together, but today will never happen again.”
“Your way or no way.” Kamari met her gaze again.
“In this, yes.”
“I can’t,” Kamari said shaking her head. “In bed only.”
“I’m a Domme all the time, baby,” Mica retorted. “I’m not just a player.”
“I can’t be with you like that, Mica.”
Mica put her belt back on, not surprised. Kamari didn’t strike her as woman enough to take her on. She gave her a mocking smile. “I guess I had you pegged right. You’re just a little girl looking to get off and live dangerously once in a while. No harm. No foul.”
Kamari exhaled shakily. “You’re more of a coward than I am,” she said softly. “But I guess it’s clear that neither of us do commitment, and neither of us will push our hard limits.”
The coyote growled in answer as if being rejected by its mate, something it wouldn’t take well. Rather than give in to the animal’s demand that she make Kamari submit, Mica went back to the bathroom to clean up.
“I’ve already gotten to work,” Mica said coolly. “We might have to go to Hartsland at some point to finish this.”
“The person who killed my sister might be easier to catch once we have Jerry.”
“Any clues who that might be?” Mica asked and turned on the water. She had her own ideas, but she wasn’t about to share them with Kamari. None of them could have her tearing out to the wolf den and demanding answers.
“Not at the moment. Isa said something about pack.”
“So?” Mica cleaned up and tucked the dildo back into her pants before closing them up and washing her hands.
“I’ve done my research. There don’t appear to be anything other than coyote and wolves around here.”
Mica dried her hands on a hand towel hanging on a towel bar that looked untouched before exiting and finding Kamari seated on the bed.
“What are you?” Mica demanded.
Kamari lifted her brows and tossed a card in its plastic case to Mica. “Wolf. You can view that in your phone. It contains the footage of the murder.”
“What exactly did you find at the storage locker?” Mica asked, catching the card deftly.
“Pictures of Isa and Mallory along with something else.”
“Show me,” she ordered.
“No. I gave you all I’m going to for now,” Kamari told her coldly. “If this Jerry turns out to be untouchable for some reason along with whoever killed my sister, there won’t be anything you can do.”
“I said I’d help you,” Mica said tightly, but Kamari was shaking her head wearily.
“I know, but if the murders aren’t connected, what I do have might be all I’ll get, and I’ll turn that over to the FBI. They might be able to find something.”
Mica pulled her cell phone from her pants pocket and tapped in a number. “Jen—shut up and listen,” she snapped. “Where is Amy?”
Kamari got to her feet and leaned closer, but Mica didn’t put distance between them as she knew she should.
Kamari could become a danger to her pack and her friends.
However, the woman made her heart race, and her coyote liked the feel of Kamari brushing against her.
“I don’t know,” he said coolly. “Isa was the only one who knew apparently.”
“According to who?” Mica demanded as Kamari rested a hand on her waist as she leaned against her. Mica’s coyote growled, the sound a low rumble in her mind.
“Her mother,” he retorted.
“Jen, I think Amy’s dead in Hartsland. You should check with the police.”
“Ryder Munro owns a company down there. He’d have told Georgie and Pat if their daughter were dead.”
“Damn it, Jenner,” she snarled.
“You’d do well to stop trying to incriminate someone else,” Jenner snapped. “Get your ass down here and give me that DNA sample. I’ve already got a warrant out for Mallory’s arrest—”
“What?” she exclaimed and Kamari grimaced.
“Yeah. I found evidence of her DNA in the room and on Isa. Get down here and if you hear from that waitress of yours, bring her, too.”
“I have a witness who’s going to prove we did nothing,” Mica growled.
“That waitress?” he asked mockingly. “Don’t worry I’ll be checking her out. I’m sure she’s a fugitive or a murder suspect just like Cambrie and Adalyn.”
“You’re so full of shit I can smell the stink of you from here.”
“Just get down here, or I’ll have you arrested,” he ordered and the line went dead.
“This is crazy.” Mica gritted the words out as she clenched the phone tight.
“I hope you’re not banking on me. I didn’t see enough, Mica,” Kamari told her.
“You’d know him by scent, wouldn’t you?”
“Your pack and his have issues?” Kamari asked. “Is Jerry part of his pack?”
“I don’t know,” Mica told her patiently.
Kamari turned for the closet. “Keep your secrets,” she said as she retrieved a pair of boots. “I just might get pretty talkative about finding Mallory’s tie there and the pictures of her along with a sweet little note—”
Mica moved quickly, rage cutting a swathe through her. She wouldn’t allow this little alpha wannabe to harm those she loved. Even if she had to kill her.
Chapter Eleven
Mica’s arm came around her neck from behind and Kamari growled, the wolf bracing for attack. Yet, her animal didn’t feel a driving desire to do anything more than submit.
“Don’t fuck with my pack or my friends, girl. I will put you in a grave no matter how good your pussy is.” Mica gave her a shove and Kamari rounded on her.
She threw a punch which Mica blocked. Holding her fist, Mica shoved Kamari back into the wall pinning her other arm firmly at her side. Kamari snarled and kicked her in her shin. Mica’s hold weakened and Kamari took advantage, jerking free.
Her normal instinct would have been to go for a fatal or near fatal wound. Instead, her wolf only went for blood.
She scraped her claws across Mica’s forearm as she bared her teeth at her.
“Don’t threaten me,” Kamari said icily. “We’ll both die if you come at me with death in your eyes.” The mist could take a shadow, and in the throes of killing rage, it could win thanks to its ability to become nothing more than mist and fight in that form.
Mica yipped at her, the sound a warning, eyes gold as the animal stared back at her. Mica put her hand on the wall next to Kamari’s head and leaned into her.
“I will fuck you up if you cross me, sweetheart.”
She backed off and Kamari held her gaze, the wolf wary, but not interested in attack.
“Anyway, we need proof before we can do anything,” Mica told her and glanced down her arm. She wiped away the blood. “Hurry up.” She stalked from the room.
Kamari exhaled shakily as she watched Mica retreat. Then, she sat on the bench at the end of the bed and pulled on her boots before retrieving her trusty little messenger bag. In it she tossed the scrapbook and pictures from the storage locker before grabbing her first aid kit along with her wallet and keys.
She found Mica out on her porch talking on the phone. Her body was tense as a dog preparing to strike.
“Get off my ass, Brynn,” she muttered. “I’m on my way down there now, but there is no way this will stick… No, I have no idea how we’re going to get her out of this, but we’ll talk later… The waitress? I don’t think she’s a plant. I have to go.” Mica ended the call and turned. “You shouldn’t eavesdrop. You might hear something about you, you don’t like.”
“Like how you want to go down on me?” she asked mockingly.
Mica snapped her teeth at her. “Let’s ride.”
“We should clean your arm at least.”
“Surface lacerations,” Mica said. “You scratch like a girl.”
“I am a girl, coyote,” Kamari said coldly. “Be a butch. See if I care if you get an infection.”
Mica grunted. “I’m sure you’ll cry a river.” She glanced down the street and Kamari locked up.
“Damn right I won’t.”
Mica led the way to her SUV, unlocked the door on the passenger side and jerked it open for her. Kamari climbed in and Mica slammed the door shut before crossing to get in on her own side.
As Mica started the engine and backed out, the silence wrapped around them like a heavy blanket. Kamari was surprised that it wasn’t stifling, merely a lack of sound.
When they arrived at the station which was downtown housed in an old brick building, the trees lining one side of the lot reminded Kamari of Hartsland and how small-town America was almost a subculture unto itself. Even in here, the pace and way of doing things wasn’t always rough and ready like in a big city.
The scenery was more serene in some cases, too.
Kamari followed Mica inside, the whir of conversation almost a dull roar as they made their way through the lobby with its polished wood floor and down a corridor to an elevator. They rode up to the third floor where the spacious office of the chief of detectives was located.
In the reception area, a uniformed officer manned a desk. She looked up at them, a hard glint in her brown eyes.
“Go right in,” she said with a jerk of her head. “Jenner’s expecting you.”
Mica gave her a cool stare, but headed for the office, opening the door, and motioning Kamari in ahead of her.
Jenner was seated behind his desk and graced them with a hard look. “I’m glad you didn’t make me hunt you down,” he said. “This won’t take long. Mica, you know where the lab is.”
“I’ll wait.”
“I think not,” he said icily. “Out unless you want an escort.”
Mica gave him a low growl that he returned before Mica shot Kamari a look of trepidation and then exited.
“Have a seat, Miss Sang.”
Kamari sat down holding his gaze, her wolf wanting to hurt him for being so cold to Mica. He was an attractive man with nice eyes and a muscular chest that his white shirt strained appealingly across.
“I need a more definitive description of the woman you saw in the hallway.”
“I don’t have one,” she said. “Anyway, it looked more like a man. The chest was flat, the hips narrower.”
“You’re pretty observant,” he commented, leaning back in his chair, studying her as if she were a spider caught in his web. “Did you see anything masculine in the room? Tie, gloves?”
“No.” She shook her head.
“Isa’s purse had been wiped clean of prints,” he said. “Did you do that?”
“Did you touch the purse to retrieve anything? Keys?”
“Why?” Kamari asked again.
“I’ve had my officers search her apartment, and you should know they found some correspondence between Isa and Mallory as well as some pictures. She broke it off with Mallory and Mallory had been calling her, trying to get her back.”
“Isa w
as attractive,” Kamari said. “I’d seen her a few times in the coffee shop, but I doubt if Mallory gave a damn the girl was done with her. She works in a strip club with sexy women, and she can have any one of them.”
He leaned forward. “Is she the one who’s marked you up?”
“I didn’t see Mallory with Isa at any time. Neither did I find her in the room. Isa was alone, dying, and she told me someone named Jerry had ordered the hit on her because of something she knew.”
“You’re lying to cover for Mallory.”
“Why?” She shrugged. “Miranda knows I was talking to her. She heard me until the phone died.”
He ran a hand over his hair, and Kamari knew he was irritated and confused by the look on his face.
“I want a sample of your DNA,” he said. “I will be checking you out. If I find out you’re colluding with those damned coyotes I’m going to lock your ass up with them.”
He sneered at her. “You don’t smell human which means you likely aren’t,” Jenner told her. “Get out.”
He probably didn’t know what she smelled like since there weren’t any of the classic musky notes in her skin. A mist’s basic scent morphed like a lizard’s color depending on the situation.
Kamari stood, giving him a curious look. “I guess you know a Jerry or two, and you’re afraid neither is the man you think he is,” Kamari drawled. “Well, news flash, Isa said he wasn’t the man he pretended to be. Get his DNA, too, but he wasn’t the one who killed her so you’ll have to look deeper to get to him and his secrets before he gets to you.”
Chapter Twelve
“Calm down, Collier,” Jerry said patiently. “Nothing is going to go wrong. Just let things play out.”
“Oh, really? Amy told me she had proof of what happened that night, and she started talking about Kelly Kane and Annette Bettis. I think Isa knew something.”
“Dead women tell no tales,” Jerry said coldly. Isa had grown quite secretive in these last six weeks, and he suspected Amy had finally given her some proof to back up some of what Amy had been accusing him of.
“They do leave evidence in this information age,” Collier muttered. “There is too much at stake for all of us and Jenner just called Colder about Amy.”