Taking It Off for the Coyote Read online

Page 6

  “Honestly, we’ll have to see,” Sydney answered. “So, where do you want to go?”

  “Here. I’ve already made lunch. I was thinking that with our track record it would be the safest bet for me enjoying just your company.” She kept her tone demure.

  Sydney’s lips curved into a mocking smile. “I like that tone so much better than your normal mouthy one,” she murmured and gripped Cambrie’s nape. “You should use it more often.”

  “I’m not a mouse, Sydney,” she told her coolly. “I know what I want, and I rarely hold back in going after it.”

  Sydney’s fingers slid up her nape to the back of her head. “Take your hair down.”

  It wasn’t a question or a mere statement it was an order. Cambrie bristled, about to tell Sydney to remove her hand when she saw challenge in the other woman’s eyes.

  She was one of those women?

  She hid it so well beneath her protective and civil exterior, but she should have spotted the little tells.

  She wouldn’t be abused by anyone ever again, but she didn’t mind certain kinds of dominance games. Patty had trained her as a sub, and she’d enjoyed it before she realized Patty’s goal had been to subjugate her. She’d wanted to use her abilities for her own ends.

  The power had never been up for grabs, but she’d been willing to give her everything else … at first.

  “As you like,” she murmured lowering her lashes.

  “Look at me, Cam. I like that better.”

  Cambrie met Sydney’s gaze and used her free hand to release the pins holding her hair in place. Luckily, she’d used a diffuser to blow her hair dry or she’d have a frizzy cloud around her shoulders.

  Sydney pushed her fingers into the thick locks and tightened just a little. “That’s better. Now dance for me.”

  She smiled. “Do you want me to strip or just dance?” She knew what Sydney wanted and she had no problems giving her that lap dance. She wanted to seduce Sydney’s senses, and capture her heart. She had a feeling they could be so good together.

  “Both.” Sydney released her.

  “Yes, ma’am.” She led the way into her living area. Cambrie didn’t have an entertainment system of any kind just a small TV she watched DVDs on. Her music came from her MP3 player and the speakers she had connected it to on an end table next to a lamp.

  Cambrie turned it on and went to the playlist she used to practice her routines on at home. She turned it on knowing the song that would come first was nearly over. That would give her time to walk to where Sydney had seated herself before dancing.

  She turned to find Sydney on the loveseat waiting for her. She’d pushed the table aside giving Cambrie plenty of room and her features were a mask of anticipation.

  Cambrie studied her for a moment glad she’d chosen a simple dress. She closed her eyes for a second and felt the beat of the next song. She began to sway to the old Aerosmith tune, “Crazy.”

  She pushed her fingers into her hair as her hips rocked. She moved watching Sydney’s eyes darken as arousal slowly started in her.

  Cambrie turned so her back was to Sydney and executed a few deft moves before sliding her hands down her firm ass. She glanced over her shoulder giving Sydney a wink before reaching for the zipper and tugging it down.

  Cambrie brushed the fabric from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor and then turned back to face the other woman. The look on Sydney’s face as she drank in the shelf bra and matching lace panties that left the lower curves of her butt exposed while the lace hinted at the hairless condition of her pussy.

  “Son of a—baby what the hell are you doing wearing those on a lunch date?” Sydney asked breathlessly.

  “Do you like them?” Cambrie asked and then trailed her fingers down her cheek and over her throat to cup her breasts.

  “Fuck yeah,” she said, her tone rough.

  Cambrie drew the fingers of one hand down over her stomach to rest between her legs to stroke her clit. It was already throbbing in anticipation of a firmer touch.

  “Oh, baby.”

  Cambrie squeezed her breast and stroked two fingers against her clit and moaned. She ground against them feeling her pussy grow damp and her clit swell and knew Sydney would be able to smell her arousal.

  She withdrew her hand and stepped out of the circle of her dress and kicked it aside before moving to Sydney. She glided her hands up her legs and drew them back, looking up at Sydney from beneath her lashes before sitting on her lap. Cambrie moved her hips erotically as she stroked Sydney’s jaw. The contact made her skin sizzle as it heated even more from the fire in her blood. Cambrie rolled her hips bringing her clit into contact with a bulge in Sydney’s pants.

  Surprised, Cambrie gasped and pleasure rolled over her from the pressure of the toy. She hadn’t thought Sydney was the strap-on kind of woman, but lucky for her she didn’t mind.

  Sydney’s hand went to Cambrie’s hip and curved over her ass as Cambrie caressed her hands over Sydney’s shoulders to brush against her breasts.

  “You never dance like this at the club,” Sydney said in a voice thick with arousal.

  “Is that a bad thing?” she asked, pushing to her feet as the song ended and another began.

  “You’ve got me so fucking wet,” Sydney muttered as she palmed the curve of Cambrie’s ass, shaped it.

  Cambrie grinned. “Damn I am good,” she teased and tried to eased back, but Sydney stayed her with a firm hand.

  “I want you,” she murmured and then lowered her head to bite Cambrie’s hip lightly before sharp teeth tugged on fragile lace then released it.

  She pulled Cambrie down and claimed Cambrie’s parted lips. Her tongue pushed demandingly into her mouth, plundering the hot depths.

  Cambrie groaned and shifted on her lap so she could grind the swollen, throbbing nubbin of her clit against Sydney’s dildo. The friction felt so good, her juices gushed forth dampening her panties even more.

  “Yes?” Sydney demanded.

  The words were hard as the beat of her heart. “Yes,” she said huskily. She knew this may be all she got from Sydney, but she grabbed the chance with both hands.

  “Be damn sure,” she said while pushing her fingers into Cambrie’s hair and pulled as she drew Cambrie’s head to one side giving her lips better access to her throat.

  “Oh,” Cambrie moaned, flares of heat licking over her skin as Sydney drew her tongue along the side her neck and licked down to the pulse beating rapidly there.

  Her teeth closed over it, but Cambrie felt no fear. She sensed Sydney’s hunger raging inside her, and knew she wouldn’t hurt her. Sharp teeth lightly scraped and Cambrie creamed her panties and her eased past her panties to dampen her thighs.

  Cambrie gripped Sydney’s shoulder, spinning out of control and getting drunker off sensation.

  “Damn you smell so good you’re fucking with my head.” Sydney played her fingers down the seam of Cambrie’s ass before giving the lace a tug and fabric ripped. “Turn around and don’t sit until I tell you to.”

  She stood and turned so her back was to Sydney. Cambrie heard the rustling of clothing and felt a brush against her thighs and then a hand on her hip slowly guiding her back. The blunt head of a cyberskin dildo breached the slick entrance of her pussy.

  The warm toy was like human skin as it slid slowly in. The thick girth parted her tight tissues, stroking sensitive nerve endings to life.

  “Syd,” she moaned her name. “Baby that feels good.”

  “I thought you’d like it,” she said and thrust up seating the toy fully inside the snug depths.

  Cambrie groaned harshly, savoring the heavy warmth.

  Sydney’s fingers found her clit and worked it with teasing strokes. “Move, Cambrie, ride my dick.”

  Cambrie lifted and lowered on her lap and pleasure washed over her. “Oh, yeah.”

  Sydney groaned and thrust up meeting her strokes with hungry fervor. Cambrie moved her hips erotically as Sydney’s fingers worked her c
lit with expert precision.

  “Oh, fuck, baby,” Sydney groaned.

  Cambrie leaned back into Sydney’s warm body, moaning. She was on fire and coming undone. Sydney moved behind her now timing her strokes with the pressure on Cambrie’s clit. It was too much, she was going to explode into a million pieces.

  “Syd!” Need made her movements fast and hard. “Oh my god!” she screamed, hands braced on the couch as she slammed down on the dildo again and again. She threw her head back as release washed over her. Her body trembled, stomach muscles clenched tight and teeth clamped onto the side of her neck throwing her into another orgasm.

  Behind her, Sydney let out a growl of release and the sexy sound made Cambrie shiver.

  Chapter Ten

  Sydney’s warm breath fanned the back of her neck, her arms loosely around her. “Are you okay?” She’d taken her in this position to avoid hurting her, but she should have waited especially since there could only be this one time.

  If she kept seeing Cambrie, Sorrento might come after her again, and Sydney didn’t need the distraction in this fight with the hyenas.

  “Yes.” She got to her feet and rubbed her shoulder.

  “Your shoulder—”

  “Is okay,” Cambrie told her. “Give me a minute to clean up and then we can grab something to eat.”

  Oh shit. She’d growled. Cambrie was probably freaked. The damn woman had her and her animal so wrapped she couldn’t tell which way was up sometimes. The way she smelled, and the way she smiled, just messed with her head. And her control apparently.

  “Cambrie—” She got to her feet moving with preternatural speed, fingers curling around Cambrie’s arm. She swung her around to face her and saw fading heat in her eyes.

  She kissed her soft and slow and Cambrie moaned and molded herself against Sydney’s body. A soft little purr similar to a pup’s reached her ears and Sydney broke off the kiss and looked down at her lover. Her eyes fluttered open and the tender expression in them slithered past her defenses.

  She was in so much trouble, she could hardly breathe.

  “Are you going to hit and run or stay for lunch?” Cambrie asked with raised brows.

  Her woman’s instincts told her to run. This was a disaster waiting to happen. She tended to be a little possessive and wouldn’t be able to stand seeing other women look at let alone touch her dancer.


  Her animal balked at that, and refused to leave.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? I was wrong to make a move on you like that.”

  Cambrie rolled her eyes. “I’m a big girl. I would have let you know if I didn’t want you.” She caressed Sydney’s nape. “If I scratched you too hard, I’m sorry. I tend to do that.”

  “I can take it,” Sydney murmured. “I’m tough.”

  “I’m going to clean up.” She withdrew and headed for her bedroom.

  Sydney pushed out a harsh sigh and raked her fingers through her hair. She needed to clear her head before she made a mistake and did something crazy like get involved with Cambrie.


  “I’ll be out in a minute,” she called, voice muffled.

  Sydney headed to the bedroom. “I just got a call,” she said. “I have to go.”

  Cambrie emerged from the bathroom clad in bra and panties. “What could be wrong at the club?”

  “It’s not the club,” she said evenly. “It is work though. I do some security work on the side sometimes. I used to have a security company.”

  Cambrie studied her looking as if she was trying to see right into her mind. Then, she nodded, hurt in her eyes. “I see.”

  “I’ve been working on something, and it looks like I finally got a break.”

  “Just get out, Sydney,” she said quietly. “You don’t have to lie. I knew you weren’t interested before I dropped my panties.”


  “I’m not going to fall apart over a quickie on the couch. Get out and don’t worry I won’t be throwing myself at you anymore.” She turned and headed back to the bathroom. “Lock up on your way out.”


  Sydney was still thinking about this afternoon with Cambrie when Sorrento and his crew of three filed into Mallory’s office on the third floor of Coyote Closet that evening. The hurt in Cambrie’s eyes, in her voice was still enough to make her animal snarl at her. And she wanted to kick her own ass for it.

  The sweetness Cambrie was offering her was a gift unlike any she’d ever been offered. She was torn between her heart and her duty to her pack. Cambrie could be a plant, but her animal’s heart told her nothing could be further from the truth. The best way to find out was to stop by after work for that drink.

  Mallory’s desk had temporarily been replaced by a long table with four chairs. The shades to the windows were down bringing the pale walls with the dark wood accessories into sharp notice.

  She was posted up against the wall with Mica across from her and two other members of their security staff at the door. They outnumbered the hyenas as Sam had planned, but she knew she had to be on her guard. So, Sydney pushed her thoughts aside to pay attention to the meeting.

  “Why do you even want to buy our club?” Sam asked coolly.

  “It’s not just a profitable business,” he said evenly with a gesture of his hand. “It’s in a prime location in town for me to close it and open a straight club.”

  Mallory’s lips twitched. “What about your partner? A business venture like this demands capital as well as time and energy. You can’t do it all on your own.”

  “I’ve got it covered,” he told her. “Now, let’s talk price. I’m willing to go a little higher than before considering the expense to you at moving your enterprise to another location.” He held out his hand and the male who’d come with him hurried forward with a spiral bound notebook. “There is some room for negotiation, but I’m starting to lose my patience.”

  “Save it,” Sam told him coldly. “We’re not interested. As for your patience, take it to another town where someone might give a damn.”

  His pen paused and Sydney straightened, arms hanging loosely at her sides. She knew that look. Only a true alpha coyote could speak with such surety while retaining such calm.

  “I assure you, Ms. Summerfield, we do have the manpower to take your business and take over your pack,” Sorrento told her in a hard tone. “If you don’t sell you will regret it.”

  “Don’t come into our town threatening us,” Mallory snapped.

  “The wolves own this town,” he told her with a smirk.

  Sam leaned forward. “We drove out hyenas before without them, and we will do it again,” she said icily. “You’ll do well to cut and run before you really lose something, cat.”

  He snarled at the jibe. Some of the sounds hyenas made in their animal form were similar to those of a cat especially the males making the reference an insult.

  The brunette female who’d accompanied him was at least five-eleven and moved with quickness to cover him, but Sydney was there, hand around her arm jerking her back hard.

  “Don’t try it,” Sydney told her with a shake of her head. In the mood she was in, she’d take her apart.

  “Take your people and get out of here,” Sam said in a hard tone.

  “Get out of our town,” Mallory snarled. “Tonight.”

  “Or what?” he demanded and Sam’s hands shot out and latched onto the lapels of his light jacket. She jerked him forward and Mallory punched the male standing behind him as he lunged forward.

  The brunette swung on her and Sydney blocked the punch before quickly driving her back to the wall and drawing her knife. She put it to the other woman’s stomach.

  “Move and you’ll get the point loud and clear,” Sydney told her acidly.

  “This is war,” Sorrento told Sam and then proceeded to throw a punch, and she jerked him over the table causing his lick to miss. Then, she shoved him into the wall and drove a punch into his stomach. She to
ok a handful of his shirt and jerked him forward tossing him onto the floor before putting her foot on his groin.

  “I could end you here and now, and then who’ll lead this war? Your partner or your alpha bitch leader? Tell her wars aren’t won by hiding in the shrubbery and sending little boys to do a woman’s job.”

  “I—” Her growl forced him to break off.

  “Tell her if she wants a war, bring it. There’ll be losses, but Snow Fur bows to no fucking hyena not even her.” Sam snatched him up and snarled at him. “Get out now with your mouths closed unless you all want to return to your bitch in body bags.”

  “Out!” He ordered his crew.

  The look in the woman’s eyes promised retribution. He was her man that’s why she’d been so quick to put her life on the line.

  “Next time,” the brunette said coldly and held up her hands.

  Sydney cut her across the stomach keeping the cut superficial and the woman snarled. “Like you said, sugar bear, next time,” Sydney said giving her a cold smile.

  The other woman eased away from the wall countering Sydney’s backward steps. Sydney and Mica followed them out of the club making sure they exited. Sydney noticed a look pass between the brunette and one of the wolf security guards out in the parking lot.

  The guard gave the hyena a subtle nod and a chill ran down her spine. When the first hyena attack came, the small group of shadow coyotes had been loosely connected to Snow Fur. The seven of them followed Sam rather than Snow Fur’s male leader.

  They were stronger, harder to kill, and considered him an inferior leader not worth giving their respect to.

  The Snow Fur pack leader betrayed the pack and Mallory took over after killing him, but the wolves hadn’t acted against them though they’d done nothing to help the hyenas. If any of them joined with the hyenas the coyotes would have a hard time defeating them. They had to win over the dissidents in Oaklyn’s pack, but how did they do that?

  “What is it?” Mica asked.