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Playing With Fire (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

  “I’ll help, baby.” Kal smiled. “It’ll make it go faster.”

  Leigh smiled. Connor didn’t do much helping with the cooking. It was her job just like outdoor chores were his. She’d help with that gladly if he helped with the cooking and cleaning.

  They set about making waffles, bacon, and eggs. Leigh was surprised that Kal could whip them up from scratch with fruit and fruit syrup.

  “You and Connor are planning to have kids someday?”

  Leigh shrugged. “I want at least three.” She smiled warmly. “I’ve always dreamed of being a mom and staying at home and taking care of the kids, being a soccer mom.” She rolled her eyes. “I know it’s crazy, and Connor said we needed to wait another few years. We have to get our savings on track and stuff like that.”

  Kal frowned. “That sounds like a plan.”

  “What about you? Do you want kids?”

  “Sure.” Kal beamed. “When I find the right woman. I own my home. It was a gift from my aunt, who died and left it to me. It was in a pitiful state. I had to take out a hundred thousand in loans to fix it up, but it was worth it.”

  “I’d like to see it,” she said.

  “Sure, you and Connor can come have dinner tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll cook and we can eat outside. I love showing off my patio and backyard.”


  “Yep. Got a pool and spa,” Kal said with a grin. “I even have a basketball court. Dani and I love to beat up on Vin at hoops.” Kal fed her a bite of waffle.

  Leigh chewed and swallowed. “Who taught you to cook?”

  “My submissive mother,” she said with a grin. “She said a girl has to know how to impress her dates, especially if she has limited means.”

  “My mom taught me, too,” she said. “She keeps asking me when Connor’s going to pop the question.”

  “Honey, your mom is important, but this is your life.” She put her hand on Leigh’s. “Live it to the fullest, honor your parents, but honor yourself, too.”

  “Morning.” Connor shuffled into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Connor,” Kal said. “Coffee? Breakfast?”

  He crossed the room to the coffee pot. “You’re up bright and early.” His gaze went to Kal.

  “I was thinking we’d go out and do something,” Kal said. “Antique shopping. Museum or art gallery—I haven’t had a chance to go to that one downtown. I heard they’ve renovated and added exhibits.”

  “I have to go in to work,” he said. “So, that’s all out.”

  “Well, I’ll get some housework done,” Leigh said and got to her feet. “You want a waffle? Kal made blueberry syrup.”


  She crossed the tile floor and grabbed a plate for him from the cabinet. “What time are you getting off? Maybe we can go out for dinner.”

  “Not tonight,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “Okay. I’ll make dinner.” She nodded.

  He kissed her cheek. “Next weekend, I promise,” he said. His gaze went to Kal, who was studying him thoughtfully. He drew back. “What time are you leaving, Kal?”

  “Well, since you’re working, I’ll take Leigh out for the day. I really want to go shopping for those antiques, but we’ll check out a few stores here in town. Maybe you can break for lunch.” She smiled.

  “Good idea. I’ll call.”

  * * * *

  It had been a while since she’d been out with a lover, and Kal was enjoying shopping with Leigh. She had good taste and had picked out the perfect piece for her den. The table would perfectly compliment the décor. They found an old backgammon set that Leigh went crazy over, so Kal bought it for her and they headed off to the art gallery. She was excited to see the abstracts and the modern designs made out of various materials.

  “That was fun.” Leigh caught Kal’s hand as they strolled along the downtown street heading back to Kal’s car. She leaned into her and Kal gave her a smile.

  “I loved those exhibits,” Kal said. “Where to now?”

  “I should call Connor and see if he can get away for lunch.”

  “Okay,” Kal said with a smile. “I could use a bite.”

  They reached Kal’s car a moment later to find a lean, tanned male with dirty blond hair leaning against the driver’s side. His eyes were a cold, flinty gray as he stared back at them with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Make your call, Leigh,” Kal said in a cool tone as she walked around to the passenger side.

  “I need to talk to you,” the blond said coldly.

  “Get in,” Kal told her, ignoring the concern in Leigh’s eyes. Leigh climbed in and pulled out her phone as Kal rounded the sports car and walked a short distance away from it to talk to the man.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” he demanded, keeping his voice low. “You’re ruining my life. My wife is pregnant, and I have two other children to support.”

  “You stole from me,” she told him angrily.

  “It was only a little bit and you’re not hurting from the loss.” His gaze raked down her body disdainfully.

  “That is precisely the attitude that got you fired and me pressing charges against you, Craig,” Kal told him icily. “You don’t have any regard for the fact that I made that money. I worked my ass off to get where I am, and not by taking anything from anyone and lying about it.”

  Craig Johnson took a step closer to her, his lips twisting bitterly. “I asked you for a raise, and you turned me down. I told you I needed the money because my kid was sick, and he’s dying.”

  “I know your situation,” she answered coldly. “And I explained to you that your education and training level didn’t warrant a raise at the moment any more than your present skill level. I got freaking audited last year, remember? It was a wonder I kept you on, Craig.”

  “I was distracted because of my son,” he snapped. “Do you even understand what I’m saying to you? I can’t afford insurance, and he has cancer. My wife has had to quit her job to stay home with him.”

  She sighed deeply. She understood, and she’d tried to work with him. “I overlooked the first ten and listened to your lies and bought your excuses,” Kal said quietly. “I gave you chance after chance to come clean, but all you did was steal more money from me. I’m not willing to merely let this go, Craig, I’m sorry. I could drop the charges—”

  “I need my job back,” he whispered. “Hell, food stamps and welfare aren’t going to take care of us.”

  His expression was pleading, but she’d done this dance with him when she fired him. He had no remorse. She might not have any either if her family was in dire straits, but she’d never let her employer know that.

  “I’ll consider dropping the charges, but that’s it,” she told him evenly and turned to head to her car when Craig grabbed her arm.

  “Wait,” he said frantically. “Give me a recommendation.”

  Kal laughed, genuinely amused. “Are you serious, Craig?” she demanded incredulously. “I’m not going to put anyone in a position to be stolen from by you. You should be glad I’m going to drop the charges.” She started to walk away again, and he pushed her.

  Kal stumbled, and he rushed her, knocking her to the ground. She grunted, and he kicked her leg as she turned onto her butt.

  “You butch bitch!”

  She kicked him in the knee, and he let out a grunt as he bent to rub it.

  “You’ll be sorry,” he snapped and limped away.

  Leigh came rushing out to her. “Kal, are you okay?” she asked as Kal got to her feet.

  “Yeah.” She brushed the dirt off her hands. “Is Connor meeting us?”

  “He can’t,” she said. “I think it’s more that he doesn’t want to.”

  Kal captured her hand and kissed her jaw and then led her back to the car. “Maybe we should just spend tomorrow together and let this go,” Kal said. “You’re with him, and if I was him, I’d be having a hard time with this, too.”

  Leigh leaned aga
inst the car door. “I know it’s not fair to him, but now that I’ve experienced what I’ve been aching for my whole life, I don’t think I can go back to just being his woman. I certainly couldn’t marry him right now knowing that I have these needs.” She sighed and met Kal’s gaze. “I need you in my life.”

  Kal grimaced. “Baby, you don’t just fall in love overnight,” she said. “You don’t just start needing someone after a few days.”

  “I didn’t just fall in love with you, Kal.” She put her hand on Kal’s waist. “I’ve been falling in love with you for six months. I saw you at Jasper playing with a male sub one night and I was captivated. After that, every Friday or Saturday that Connor took me there, I started looking for you. I told him I had to go to the bathroom, so I could go down to the dungeons and see if you were there.”

  “I saw you watching a few times,” she admitted carefully. “I wanted to strap you down and flog you until you came, but Connor only allowed men to do sessions with you.”

  “I know.” She leaned toward Kal. “The more I watched, the more I wanted to be your sub.” She brushed her lips against Kal’s. “I care about Connor, love him, and if I had my way, I’d have you both.”

  “Connor can’t do that,” Kal murmured.

  “Could you? Could you share me with him?”

  “I wouldn’t want to, but I like Connor enough to do it,” Kal admitted.

  “It’s too bad he won’t go for it then.” She kissed Kal and drew back. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need to go to the emergency room?”

  “No, come on. Let’s go, and I think for Connor’s sake we’re going to have to cut this short after tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin your lives.” She opened the car door. “I won’t flog you for not staying put this time since you waited until he left.” She gave Leigh a smile. “In you go, sweetheart.”

  Kal grimaced , pain shooting through her. She had to be strong. She was going to end this tomorrow as much as she wanted to enjoy Leigh for the full week. If she came to her, she wouldn’t push her away.

  Chapter Nine

  “Okay, these are going to be so great,” Leigh said later that evening as they prepared dinner in Leigh and Connor’s kitchen.

  “Dump in the rest of the flour,” Kal ordered.

  “I can’t wait to taste these,” Leigh said. “I want caramel on half.”

  “Whatever you want, remember?” Kal gave her a grin.

  “This is the first time I’ve made caramel like this.”

  “You’re going to love it,” Kal said. “I should save some to drizzle all over you later.”

  Leigh wrinkled her nose. “That would be so messy,” she murmured, leaning toward Kal.

  “But you’d taste so good.” She gave Leigh a quick peck. “Check that caramel. I’m going to pour these in the pan, and then check on that pulled pork.”

  “This is going to be a great dinner.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Kal poured the chocolate into a pan and Leigh drizzled caramel over half of the brownie mixture.

  “It looks perfect.” Leigh stuck her finger in the pot and gave Kal a taste. Kal licked the confection from her finger and kissed her long and slow. Kal pinned Leigh against the counter and stroked her hands down her sides.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” Kal murmured.

  The pot clattered to the floor and Kal pushed her hands beneath Leigh’s dress. They glided over her thighs as their kiss quickly exploded. Sweet turned to hungry right before his eyes. Leigh whimpered and her arms went around Kal’s neck. They ground against each other. Kal pinned Leigh against the counter as her lips skimmed over her jaw. Her hand pushed down Leigh’s panties and thrust into the wet heat of her body.

  Leigh panted hard. “Fuck me,” she said breathlessly.

  Kal stroked her clit with her thumb and thrust her fingers in her hard and fast. Leigh scraped her nails along Kal’s arm as she frantically thrust against her hand.

  “Baby. Baby,” Kal cried and pulled her fingers free. “I want to eat all the cream from you.” She lifted Leigh onto the counter and pushed her dress up to her waist before yanking her panties down. She used two fingers to open Leigh before lowering her head and gliding her tongue up her slit and back down it.

  “Mmm.” Leigh braced her hands on the counter and tilted her head back. Fire flared along her spine. She’d wanted this all day. She’d wanted Kal to touch her like this.

  Kal’s wicked tongue was busy fucking into Leigh before running around her clit and flicking over it.

  “Oh shit,” Leigh said roughly as she pushed her fingers into Kal’s hair. “Eat me.” She lifted her hips off the counter. It was so good, it was impossible to think not that she was thinking of anything except this. “Kal.” It was a husky cry.

  Kal’s fingers slipped into the tightness of Leigh’s pussy while her tongue flickered over her clit. Leigh mewled as heat washed over her, taking perfect control of her body. She pressed her feet into the sides of the granite countertop as Kal’s fingers and tongue stole her sanity.

  “Oh God! Kal! Fuck I’m going crazy!” She thrust up, grounding her pussy into Kal’s mouth and face. She was on fire, an inferno burning out of control.

  “Shit that’s good.” Kal groaned. She pushed her tongue into Leigh’s pussy and fucked her while her fingers worked her clit mercilessly.

  Leigh screamed as she pulled Kal’s hair. “I’m coming.” She shattered into a million pieces as waves of pleasure washed over her.

  “Damn, you’re the best I’ve ever had, Leigh.”

  * * * *

  Connor leaned against the wall outside the kitchen, listening to their breathing. It was like screaming as they came down. His heart clenched and pain lanced through him. He squeezed his eyes closed. This had been a bad, bad idea. He’d thought he could handle it, but he wasn’t the benevolent man Leigh thought he was.

  He wasn’t Superman. He was just a guy whose life was falling apart around him, and there was only one way to get it back. He had to get rid of that bitch before she took everything he loved. He heard water running and Leigh laughed.

  “I can’t believe I did that,” Leigh said.

  He stepped into the kitchen to find Kal at the sink and Leigh kneeling on the floor. She looked up and her disheveled hair fell around her face.

  “Connor,” she said in surprise, and he knew she knew he’d heard them.


  “Hello, Connor,” Kal said.

  “Did you ladies have a good day?” Connor asked, helping Leigh up.

  Leigh smiled. “It was enjoyable.” She grinned, and he almost flinched, wondering if she was thinking of what had just happened.

  He glanced to Kal, and she had all but ceased to move. She was watching him with such carefulness, he was certain she too knew he’d heard them.

  “Smells like it,” he said.

  “What do you mean, Sir?” Leigh asked with a frown.

  “I mean it smells like Kal’s been fucking you,” he said.

  “Connor—” He held up his hand and Leigh fell silent, lowering her gaze.

  “I think it’s gone far enough,” he said quietly. “Kalyani, you need to leave.”

  “Connor I was going home after dinner any—”

  “I didn’t ask you to speak,” he snapped at her.

  “You don’t have to ask me to do anything,” she retorted coldly. “And I’m not leaving until I help Leigh clean this mess up.”

  “Get out now!” He pointed toward the door. “Now, Kal. Get the fuck out!”

  Kal swallowed tightly and then left the room.

  “Connor.” Leigh put a hand on his arm.

  “No, Leigh. I can’t do this,” he said angrily. “I didn’t expect to come home and find you fucking her. Damn it!”

  “You said a week,” she said quietly in a pleading tone.

  “I changed my mind,” he retorted. “This is it. You’ve had all you’re getting of her unless you tell me you’re choosing her.”

��Don’t ask me to do that,” she said shaking her head. “I love you, Connor—”

  “Then, that’s it,” he cut in. “Go tell her you won’t see her again.”

  She stared back at him for a long moment and then headed for the door with tears in her eyes and he cursed.

  “Leigh, you have to be the one to do this.”

  “I know,” she said without looking over her shoulder.

  He followed in her wake, feeling like a bastard for taking this from her, but she was his, and he’d had all he could stand.

  Kal looked up when Leigh stepped into the guest bedroom. “I’m leaving, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t see you again, Kal,” she said. “As lovers. It’s over.” She turned and ran from the room.

  Kal grabbed her bag from the bed and then stripped the sheets from the bed and tossed them in a pile at Connor’s feet as she stepped out of the room.

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, Kal glanced up from the project she was working on. “What is it, Alicia?” she asked. The other woman stood in the doorway of her office wearing an uncertain expression.

  “Craig’s wife is here to see you.”

  “Tell her I’m not in,” she said coolly. She didn’t want to talk to his wife. After Craig’s attack, she’d decided not to drop the charges. By doing so, she risked sending a message to Craig it was okay for him to continue to treat her with such blatant disrespect as a woman.

  She felt her color and her sex were the reasons he thought he deserved to do what he did to her and get away with it.

  She got up from her worktable and crossed the room to stare out of the window into the sunny afternoon. Kal rubbed her arms against the chill that had started the moment she saw Connor in his kitchen two days ago. She’d known he’d heard them, had sensed he was close, but she’d been unable to stop herself from getting Leigh off.

  Leigh wasn’t just the perfect sub for her. She was the perfect woman. She was warm and accepting, and she gave so freely of herself. She was fun to shop with, a good companion for cultural enrichment, and great company in the kitchen.