Playing With Fire (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 8
Her lips quirked ruefully, and she fisted one hand at the memory of the look on Connor’s face. He’d been hurt, and Leigh’s heart had been breaking.
The thing of it was, she also wanted Connor. He was sexy and smart. He’d have to be trained to help out in the kitchen, but he was a good guy. He’d be a great husband and companion. However, Connor wasn’t ready to have her as part of his world on a permanent basis, and she wasn’t going to go charging over to their home and try to change his mind.
She wasn’t fooling herself. Leigh and Connor weren’t going to just go back to being happy again. They’d have to work through the pain of the last few days first.
“I’m sorry, I tried to stop her,” Alicia said.
“It’s okay.” She turned to face the angry stare of Tamara Johnson. She was an attractive woman with black hair cut in a classic bob and sad, dark eyes. She was thinner than she remembered. “Come in, Mrs. Johnson.” She motioned to the chairs before her desk.
“I—Craig told me you’d agreed to drop the charges,” she began as she nervously picked her cuticles.
“I was going to,” she admitted as she placed her hands on the back of her leather swivel desk chair. “But after he attacked me, I changed my mind.”
Mrs. Johnson closed her eyes briefly as she sighed softly. “Ms. Singleton, I know Craig is a bit short-tempered lately with all that’s been going on in our family, but please, try to understand. He’s under a lot of pressure. Our lives are falling apart, and our son may die before he gets the help he needs. Craig is a good father, and he was only trying to help our family.”
Kal studied her for a long time, just taking in the worry in the other woman’s face. “I feel bad for you, Mrs. Johnson, but I’m not backing down. Your husband embezzled seventy-five thousand dollars from me and did some pretty creative accounting to hide it. He got me audited last year, and I had to pay a hefty fine, but I didn’t fire him. He’s cost me too much.”
“I’m begging you for my children’s sake. Please don’t send their father to jail.”
Kal shook her head, feeling more than a little torn. Craig had no remorse or concern for the problems he’d caused for her, but she knew how important he might be in his children’s lives. If she didn’t prosecute and didn’t blackball him, Craig could get another job and support his family. A little money coming in would be better than nothing, and their child could have his mother by his side as he fought to stay alive.
“The audit will be done tomorrow,” she said in a resigned tone. “If seventy-five thousand is all that’s missing, I’ll drop the charges, but if one dollar more is unaccounted for, I will be going ahead with this.”
“Thank you,” she said. “You have no idea what this means for my children.”
* * * *
Leigh watched her sister put her son in his playpen with his toys. His little blond head gleamed in the light streaming through the drapes she’d helped her sister pick out after they painted the room the neutral beige. Anabeth and her husband had two other children, who were already in school.
“I’m glad you came over,” Anabeth said, dropping down into her chair in her spacious formal dining room with a long rectangular table that sat ten easily. The chandelier over it sparkled and cast soft white light throughout the room. The china cabinet was filled with fine china, and the playpen had been positioned across the room so they could watch the baby play. “I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
“I’ve been busy,” she said. “Connor was always encouraging her to see her family, but she knew their lifestyle was one her family couldn’t abide. “So, how are the kids and Josh?”
“Oh, great.” She waved a hand. “Josh is taking me to the Bahamas for our anniversary.” She beamed. “Mom and Dad are going to watch the kids.”
“That would be great!” Her sister had wanted to go for years now. “Have you been shopping yet?”
“Yeah, I got everything,” Anabeth admitted. “So, has Connor proposed yet? I don’t see a ring.”
“He hasn’t,” she said. But she had a feeling he would soon. He’d been a little edgy lately and wanting an account of her every movement. It was starting to annoy her, but what bothered her most was the fact that he thought they could just go on as if the last few days hadn’t changed the course of their lives.
She thought about Kal constantly and wanted her more than ever.
“Well, if he doesn’t propose soon, you should move on,” Anabeth advised.
“There’s no reason to rush,” she said. There was plenty of reason for her to dump him, and they all started and ended with Kalyani.
“Of course there is,” Anabeth insisted. “Mom wants you to have a few kids while she’s young enough to enjoy them.”
Leigh smiled. “I am still young, Anabeth.” She was barely twenty-seven.
“Yeah, but if you wait until you’re thirty-five, the risks go up.”
“I know that, Anabeth,” she said and glanced at the remains of the cold fried chicken and potato salad her sister had served her for lunch. “I didn’t come over here for that. I came because you invited me to lunch.” Leigh picked up her tea and took a sip.
Anabeth shrugged. “I did want to ask you something,” she said.
“Dinah said she saw you with a woman a few days ago,” she said. “You were standing close like you—I told her you weren’t a lesbian, but she insisted something was going on.”
She tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ear. “Is that why you invited me to lunch? To find out if I’m seeing someone behind Connor’s back?”
“I know you had this gender confusion issue in high school, being attracted to girls, but I thought your summer at that camp straightened you out.”
She shook her head. The camp had been a joke. It had been to straighten out girls who thought they liked girls, but it had done nothing for her nature except help her realize she was submissive. She’d followed all the rules and even gave a fine impression of being drawn to the boys that came to camp for Saturday evening dinner and dancing. It had been more like a charm school.
“Lesbians don’t get straightened out,” she said in an irritated tone. “Besides, what does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, Dinah did tell Mom, and she was livid. She wanted to call you up and rake you over the coals and remind you that there is no place in this family for such perversion.”
She snorted. Her mother’s idea of perversions was everything she was with Connor in addition to everything she felt for Kal. Yeah, she was hell bound.
“Look,” Anabeth said on a sigh. “I know it’s not my business. I just want to know.”
“Why do you want to know, Anabeth?” she demanded angrily. “So you can go running to Mom and Dad and tell them what a screw up I am after all the money they wasted sending me to college?”
“No, honey,” she protested, reaching out to touch Leigh’s hand. “I just want to understand what’s going on with you.”
“Nothing is going on with me!” she snapped, and the happy cooing of the baby momentarily stopped.
“Is it Connor? I mean, you’ve given up things you used to want in the last four years. Kids, vacations, and a girly home. You don’t wear makeup anymore and you’re always concerned about money. You don’t get your nails done and you never treat yourself to anything anymore. I used to have to tie you down once a month to keep you from spending every dime you had on something nice for yourself.”
She sighed. “That was frivolous, and the makeup, well, it’s a small thing that I don’t miss too much.” She didn’t really. Connor thought it was messy and time-consuming. He didn’t think she really needed it, and Kal obviously felt the same.
“Connor seems so perfect. Are we wrong?”
“He’s a little traditional in some areas, but he’s a great guy,” Leigh said softly. He really was, and she hated she’d hurt him by not being the woman he thought she was.
nbsp; “Is your name even on the house?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Leigh answered. “But it doesn’t matter.” It would make her feel even worse if her name was on the house.
“Okay, if things aren’t working out with Connor for whatever reason, then don’t go doing anything rash like dating a woman, little sis,” Anabeth said. “That is so not cool. Besides, she’ll never give you what you want. She probably can’t even afford to take you out to a real restaurant like Connor can.”
Kal was having some legal issues, she’d said, but she paid for lunch and she’d bought her that antique backgammon set that she loved. Connor didn’t like to play, but she could coax him to it now and then. Kal had promised to play with her anytime.
Kal was light and fun on top of being a Domme. She’d loved spending time with her Saturday. It had felt like she really mattered, was really important. She missed feeling special. “Listen, I have to get back to work, Anabeth.” She got to her feet. “Let me help with the dishes first.”
“They’re just going into the dishwasher,” her sister said dismissively. “Leigh, talk to me. Let me help.”
“There’s nothing to help with,” Leigh insisted.
“There is plenty to help with if you’re unhappy and thinking about dating a woman.” Anabeth got up, too.
“Even if I wanted to date a woman and a man at the same time that wouldn’t make anything wrong in my life,” she said softly.
“It would make you confused and in bad need of some help, little sister,” Anabeth told her with a repulsive look. “A woman can’t keep you happy in the bedroom or in other areas of your life. That is why women and men connect romantically. That is the best combination, not men with men or women with women. You need to start coming to church again.”
“Bye.” She kissed her sister’s cheek.
“Honey, go see Father Worth,” Anabeth told her. “Let him counsel you.”
“Why, so he can tell me I’m going to Hell if I date a woman and let her fuck me? Mom and Dad can tell me that, and so can you. No thanks. I don’t need that kind of help. That will just fuck up my head. Bye.” She hurried from the room, ignoring her sister’s entreaties that she stop and just listen.
Leigh stepped out into the sunshine and saw one of her sister’s neighbors loading a stroller into the back of her SUV. The woman waved to her and she waved back and almost cried. She knew what she needed, and she was going to get it.
She grabbed her phone from the seat of her car. She’d left it there because Connor was texting or calling every forty-five to sixty-five minutes, checking up on her. She dismissed the message from him and punched in a number and started her car while it rang.
Kal’s voice was a warm hug that made her smile as she hadn’t in two days. “I need to see you.”
There was a long silence and Leigh thought Kal had hung up on her when she said, “We can have drinks tonight.”
“I’ll text you the place, okay?” she said as her sister stood in her front door, looking as if she might come out.
Leigh hung up and quickly backed out, not wanting to continue her confrontation with her sister. Kal was right. She had to live her life for herself, not her family. Her only real concern was Connor’s feelings.
Chapter Eleven
Kal wasn’t sure she should be doing this given her feelings, but Leigh had asked to see her. She’d vowed that if Leigh wanted her, she wouldn’t turn her down. So, she walked into the hotel that Leigh had named as the meeting place. She strolled through the lobby and headed for the stairs, deciding a little exercise was good and might calm her rioting thoughts.
Kal knocked on the door half hoping Leigh had changed her mind. She knew if Leigh had asked her here for some reason other than to talk about Connor, and she must have. She wouldn’t walk away from what she wanted. It might come at a high price to probably her friendship with Vinessa and certainly Connor’s feelings.
The door was pulled open and Leigh stared back at her with warm gold eyes. Her lips pulled into a tremulous smile. “Hi,” she said huskily.
“Hi, baby.”
Leigh’s smile widened a little. “Come in, Mistress.” She stepped back and Kal took her time stepping inside.
She didn’t want to do this. She knew it was the beginning of something that was going to rip Connor’s heart out. Anyone could see how much he loved Leigh.
Kal stepped inside, drawn as much by the hope in Leigh’s eyes as by her own need. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. Leigh took a step toward her and then another until she was toe-to-toe with her.
“I missed you,” Leigh said softly.
“How much?” Kal reached out and pulled Leigh against her roughly.
Leigh reached up and brought Kal’s head down. “This much.” She kissed her softly and Kal’s arms tightened around her. She deepened the kiss and Kal turned them, putting Leigh’s back against the door. She pressed her against it, pinning her arms to the wood as she took over the kiss.
Hunger and heat collided. Tongues dueled, explored. Teeth nipped and bodies ground together as harsh breaths created a symphony. Kal traced rough kisses along Leigh’s jaw, nipping at her before trailing kisses down the column of her throat.
“I missed you, too.” Breathing harshly, Kal pushed her hands beneath the dress Leigh wore, caressing the silky skin of her thighs. “I want you.”
“I want you, too, my Mistress.”
Kal found the zipper of Leigh’s dress and tugged it down before brushing the sleeves down her arms and pulling the bodice down, revealing a lacy yellow bra the color of sunshine. She drew in the soft scent of her. “Your perfume is different.”
“Something new for you,” Leigh admitted.
Kal cupped her breasts through the fabric. She squeezed the firm globes and then caressed her arms before pushing the dress down to pool at their feet. The lacy panties had white side sashes that rested at her hips. “Very pretty, baby.”
“Thank you, Mistress,” she murmured.
Kal leaned toward her again and kissed her. As their tongues brushed over each other, Kal pulled the straps of the bra down before lowering her head. She pushed up the cups and licked over one nipple and then the other before sucking one berry into her hot mouth. She moaned and then swirled her tongue around the areola as she pinched the other nipple.
Leigh’s head rolled against the door and her eyes closed. “I need you, Mistress.”
Kal drew on the other nipple, enjoying the feel of the hard pebble in her mouth. She scraped it with her teeth before trailing kisses over Leigh’s collarbone while her fingers pulled the ribbon sashes of the hip-hugging panties Leigh wore. She pushed the ribbons aside as their mouths met again.
Leigh moaned and curled an arm around Kal’s neck. She pushed her fingers into the soft threads of hair and pulled. “I ache for you, Mistress.”
Kal ran her fingers down the slit of Leigh’s pussy. The soft fabric was damp from her lover’s juices. She pushed her hand past the lacy band and Leigh’s breath came out in jagged pants as slim fingers whispered over her clit. Her hips jerked, her eyes closed, and her fingers clenched tighter in Kal’s thick locks.
“Oooooo!” She drew in a ragged breath.
Kal’s thumb pressed against Leigh’s clit while one finger tested the readiness of her pussy. Sliding in through the sticky syrup, her finger penetrated the tight cavern.
Leigh gripped Kal’s shoulder with her free hand as she rolled her hips trying to impale herself on her finger. “Please! Please!”
Kal’s chuckle reached her ears through the rush of her pulse. “Do you want more, Leigh?”
Leigh nodded frantically and Kal gave her thigh a slap. “Yes. I want more.”
She drew her finger out and thrust it back before pressing against her clit.
Leigh gasped, breathing harder. “Like that.”
Kal withdrew her finger and pressed two back into the tig
ht, clenching humid depths. “Your pussy’s so tight, baby, it’s driving me crazy.” She pressed her thumb more firmly against Leigh’s pleasure button and fucked her with rough strokes. Leigh writhed against her hand, gripped her hair, and whimpered as she ground against Kal’s hand.
“Oh fuck. Oh yesss!” She mewled as Kal took her faster, slamming her fingers in, fucking her with dominant efficiency. Leigh threw her head back against the door as bliss started to engulf her, then Kal drew her fingers free and tore open her pants and lifted Leigh against the door.
She reached down and gripped the dildo in its harness and guided it to the slick opening of Leigh’s cunt. She pushed into her, taking her slowly.
“Shit, it’s good,” Leigh said. “I want it all in me.”
Kal pinned Leigh’s hands to the door and slammed home. Leigh’s legs tightened around her waist and Kal fucked her hard. She was starving for her, and now here they were.
Leigh cried out, tightened her fingers against Kal’s, and met her thrust for thrust.
“God,” Kal cried out as she drove into Leigh over and over. The pleasure took her over, broke her control.
“Oh my! Oh my!” Leigh screamed as she came. Her body shuddered with release. But she barely had time to recover.
* * * *
Kal carried her to the bed and dumped her on it before jerking her onto her stomach. “Stay,” Kal ordered and then dropped her hand on Leigh’s firm ass. She hit her harder and smoothed the sting before hitting her again.
Leigh panted. Her blood was lava flowing in her veins. She was on fire, her ass burned from the sting, and her clit throbbed. Another tap fell on her ass and then another. Her womb clenched and her juices eased from her anew.
Kal pulled her to the edge of the bed and Leigh pressed her feet into the floor. Kal penetrated her again, a quick, hard stroke, and Leigh hissed as the bliss licked over her. Her pussy was sensitive, but all she wanted was her woman inside her again. She needed it, ached for it.
Kal thrust into her but slipped one hand beneath Leigh to find her clit. “Baby, I could fuck you all day.”