Playing With Fire (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 9
“Mmm, yes.” Leigh smiled drowsily She would let her and deal with the soreness later.
“Fuck!” Kal drove into her again and again as she worked Leigh’s clit. Leigh thrust against her frantically, reaching for her release. A slap to her clit and thrust into her pussy and she was coming again with a loud scream.
* * * *
Ten minutes later, they lay tangled together half-dressed and Leigh stroked her hand beneath Kal’s shirt, hungry to feel the warmth of her skin.
“I’m going to leave Connor,” Leigh said softly.
“Leigh, don’t,” Kal protested as she stiffened.
Leigh shifted to straddle her. She was naked except her bra. She brushed her dark locks over her shoulder as she looked down at Kal. “If I don’t leave him, I’m going to hurt him worse because I don’t want to stay away from you.”
Kal stroked her arms. “I don’t want you to regret this,” she said softly.
“The only way I could is that you don’t want me,” Leigh said. “If I’m just a fling to you, then tell me now, and I won’t break up with him. I’ll just start getting over you.”
Kal sat up. “Don’t ever get over me, Leigh.” She kissed her. “I’m falling in love with you, and I can’t see a future without you in it.”
Leigh drew in a sharp breath. “I feel the same way about you.” She caressed Kal’s shoulders. “I’ll break up with him tomorrow and get moved out a few days later.”
“I’ll help. You can move in with me. You can stay as long as you like or just until you find your own place.”
“No.” She shook her head. “I want to be with you.” Leigh stole a quick kiss.
Kal flipped Leigh onto her back and moved between her legs. “I want you close to me, Leigh. We’ll have babies in a year and—”
Leigh laughed. “Are you sure?”
“And you’ll be a stay-at-home mom,” Kal told her.
“We’ll have a great life,” Leigh said, and Kal kissed her taking away her will to think, to even move, except against Kal. “I love you.”
* * * *
Connor listened to the silence and wondered where Leigh was. She hadn’t returned any of his calls or texts after one. She’d said she was working late, but he’d driven by the store and Danica told him Leigh had left early.
He blew out a breath in the kitchen as he crossed to the fridge, and his footsteps mocked him. He pulled it open and stared inside, knowing where she was and with whom. He swallowed tightly as he imagined what they were doing right now. He grabbed a beer and slammed the door as his anger rose up inside him.
Connor tried to fight it, but tears, hot and wet rolled down his cheeks. He threw the bottle across the room and it smashed into the wall and clinked before shattering against the floor.
“Damn you, Leigh!” He screamed and sank down against the refrigerator. His shoulders shook as he lowered his head into his hands and cried.
* * * *
Connor was sitting on the couch nursing a beer when Leigh stepped into the living room an hour later. She studied him, seeing the sadness in his eyes and biting back a sob. The knowledge that she’d put that pain in his eyes made her heart hurt.
“Hi, Connor.”
“Where have you been?” he asked coldly.
“I told you I was working late,” she said. “Do you want me to make dinner?”
He shook his head. “No. I want you to tell me where you were.”
“I met Kal,” she said quietly. “I wanted to see her again.
“But it’s over?” he asked.
“No.” It was her turn to shake her head. “I’m in love with her, and I want her in my life. I’d like it if we—the three of us could have a relationship.”
He laughed bitterly. “A ménage relationship? What the hell do you mean? Do you seriously think I want to share you with anyone on a full-time basis? I love you. I’ve built my entire world around us for the last four years. Why the hell do you think I bought this house I can barely pay for? For you.”
“Our dreams have changed, but you’ve never really bothered to include me in the planning of our lives,” she said. “You just decide. You think because you’re my Dom that I’m too dumb to have an opinion.”
“That’s not what I think,” he said in a contradictory tone.
“Then, why have you stopped asking my opinion?” she asked softly. “I follow you willingly because I love you, but you’ve already told me we can’t have children for another three years. You work all these hours and you’ve stopped living and just became a workaholic.”
“For our future!”
“You’re building it without me, and I feel lonely in the space you’ve delegated to me.”
“So, you went to another woman!” He got to his feet and she took a step back as the coldness in his eyes washed over her, chilling her.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” she murmured. “I still don’t. Why can’t you see that? See that I want the three of us to be happy together.”
“It can’t be that way,” he said. “This is the story of you and me not the story of you, me, and her.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she said. “I’ll get moved out while you’re at work. Kal said I could move in with her.”
“I bet she’s real happy about that,” he snapped. “You two must have had a real good laugh at planning how you were going to rip my heart out.”
“No one’s laughing, Connor,” she told him softly. “We’re all crying.” She turned and walked away, tears falling silently as she did so.
Chapter Twelve
The next day, the man sitting on the other side of the desk stared grimly back at her. She knew it was bad and hated it because she was left with no recourse.
“I’ve finished going over your books, Kalyani, and it’s even worse than it looks,” Ben Jones told her. She’d hired his firm to thoroughly audit her books.
“How much worse?” she asked.
“He’s taken a hundred and fifty thousand from you over the last eight months. Some of that was in the form of charitable donations you thought you were making to the children’s hospital and the Make A Wish Foundation.”
She swallowed tightly. “You have the proof?”
“Well, I have what your investigator needs to track the money down,” he told her.
“Thank you, Ben,” she said.
He nodded. “I can forward that information for you to the appropriate authorities.”
Kal shook her head. “I’ll have my lawyer do it,” she said quietly. She had wanted to avoid this, but she’d known from day one there was no getting around it.
Ben left and she sat slumped in her chair. Kal made the calls she needed to make and emailed the information to her lawyer. The knock on her door drew her attention from the thoughts she didn’t want to have to entertain, but found it necessary now that it was certain she would not be dropping the charges against Craig. His family would suffer the loss of a bread winner and a confidant.
“Come in,” she called and turned her chair from the window, expecting Alicia.
The door opened and Connor stepped inside. His sapphire blue eyes held an accusatory glare. She had expected nothing less after last night. Leigh had called her this morning to tell her she had broken up with Connor .
“Hello, Connor,” she said evenly.
Connor didn’t speak as he crossed the room to stand in front of her desk. He looked down at her, and she saw that edge of sadness.
“Leigh told me she was with you last night,” he said in an icy tone. “She wants to break up, and I know the only way to prevent that is for you to tell her you don’t want her.”
“I do want her, Connor, and honestly, I wouldn’t mind sharing her with you. The three of us would make a great family.”
“The three of us?” he demanded. “Are you fucking crazy?”
“Not right now, but maybe later,” she said. “After I get done talking to you.”
He rounded her desk. “Yo
u want to be my bitch?” he demanded as he reached her. “Hmm? Let’s get started on it right now. You can get on your knees like a good sub and suck my dick.”
“Crudeness has a place, but you’re just being an ass,” she said coldly, putting a hand on his chest.
Connor fisted a hand in her short hair. “Are you wearing your harness?”
“Why? Do you want to be fucked, too?” she asked. “We can arrange it.”
“What I want is for you—” He pulled her hair hard and she struggled against him. Connor caught her hand when she tried to push him away and twisted, turning her quickly and pushing her toward the wall next to the window. He held her up against it as he worked his tie free and used it to secure both of her hands behind her back.
“Connor,” Kal growled. “You bastard. Release me.”
“No,” he said coldly and worked her belt open before getting the button of her pants free. “You need to be taught to submit to me before we can have a relationship.”
She stomped on his foot, and he growled before curling his fingers around the back of her neck and taking her over to her desk. He pushed her down on her stomach and yanked her pants down.
“Connor, I will beat the snot out of you,” she said.
He laughed darkly as he peeled her panties down to reveal her tight, milk-chocolate ass. “When?” He dropped his hand on her ass and she let out a growl. “Be a good girl.” He smoothed his hand over her soft skin and gave it a squeeze before thwacking her again. “Maybe this is what you wanted all along.” He gave her another tap and Kal groaned softly. “You want me to force you to submit.” He hit her again.
Kal panted. The feel of his hand on her ass burned. It was like a brand that made her knees weak. Her pussy moistened and her clit throbbed. Connor delivered another solid tap to her ass and she moaned. “Connor, you’re a jerk.”
He hit her harder and tugged her hair. “So are you.” He laid several taps on her ass, one cheek and then the other, hitting her in the same place each time.
She panted harder. “Damn you, Connor, it’s good. Hit me harder just on the curve of my ass.”
He did hit her again and harder, but not where she told him to. He tugged on her hair a little harder and her pussy gushed. The bastard!
It had been a very long time since any man dominated her, let alone gotten her in a position to do so. But it felt so good. She didn’t want him to stop. Her womb clenched to be filled. She needed it now.
“I hate you for this.” Connor growled and hit her again. “Bad little witch.” He hit her again and then Kal heard rustling behind her.
“Let me up, Connor.”
“I’ll let you up as soon as I’m done with you.” He thrust into her and she grunted as the thick length parted her tightness so fast it hurt. “Fuck. Damn. Your cat is too tight.”
“Yeah, it makes you want more doesn’t it, asshole.”
He landed another tap on the side of her ass, and then thrust into her.
He rode her hard and fast, but Kal didn’t protest. Each stroke into her tight pussy had her begging for more as she thrust back to meet his hard stokes. It was wild and good and hot and it singed her through and through.
“Oh fuck!” Connor cried. He drove into her one more time.
Kal let out a harsh cry that mingled with his. The heat of his semen filling her made her close her eyes in bliss.
Connor pulled out of her in only seconds and groaned. “Damn it.”
“Yep,” she agreed as she straightened. “Take this off me.”
“I didn’t use a rubber,” he muttered.
“Lucky for us both, you’re clean,” she said and punched him as soon as he’d removed the tie binding her wrists. “Don’t ever do that to me unless I consent.” She shoved him hard and he stumbled back.
“You’re pissed because I gave you what you needed?” he demanded.
“I needed a good fucking,” she agreed. “But I didn’t need to be tied up without my consent. That is a hard limit, Connor.” She went into her bathroom to clean up. “Anyway, you only screwed me because you were pissed off that Leigh wants me as much as she wants you.”
“Whose fault is that?” he demanded from behind her.
“I don’t know, Connor!” she snapped. “You can’t define why someone wants two people with equal desire. I can’t, but I’m willing to share her with you. I know we can work it out. Between the two of us, Leigh would be the happiest woman alive.”
“I don’t need you to help me make her happy, damn it,” he snarled at her. “She’s mine. I want her back.”
Kal threw a damp towel at him. “You thought she was attracted to me just like you were, so why didn’t you get someone else?”
“I wanted it to be good for her,” he muttered with a guilty look on his face. “I thought if she had you, she’d get you out of her system and out of her mind.”
“What?” she demanded incredulously.
“I found her journal. She’s been hot for you for at least six months. I thought if I let her have a taste she’d get over it. We’d both get over it.”
She stared at him shocked. That was stupid. She’d never have done that unless she’d made up in her mind she was willing to walk away from her lover.
“You read her journal and you knew she wanted me? You knew you wanted me and I wanted you. You had to know how explosively dangerous a combination that was.” She raked a hand through her hair and paced away from the sink more because she was stunned and needed to move as she thought than to give him some space to clean up. “What the hell were you thinking? You put us all in this situation!”
“I was thinking of my woman.”
“You were thinking of your dick!” she snarled. “I was content to want her and never be able to have her, but not anymore.” She shook her head. “I can’t let her go now.”
He pushed out a harsh breath as he tucked his cock into his pants. “I don’t want to share her.” She snorted at the petulance in his tone. “Too damn bad. I want to wake up with her, too.”
“Three in a bed? I can’t. I won’t.”
“Don’t be hasty,” Kal murmured. “She loves you, and I can grow, too. You’re a great guy in spite of some of your traditionalist attitudes.”
Connor shook his head and strode from the room. Kal didn’t go after him even though she wanted to. She wanted to comfort him. She wanted to convince him to give the three of them a try, but she suspected only his vision of life mattered to him right now.
She’d been there, done that and knew compromise sometimes was the door to new possibilities.
Chapter Thirteen
Leigh rode silently beside Kal that evening. She was excited about their date because it didn’t involve a club or hanging out with friends. It was one-on-one, something she enjoyed. She thought time together without friends or sex deepened a relationship, strengthened it. “Are you okay?” Kal asked throwing her a look as she sat with her hands tightly clasped in her lap.
“Yes, Kal,” she answered softly. She unclasped her hands. She was a little bit sad about Connor. This should be a night of getting-to- know-you time for them all.
“Are you having second thoughts about leaving Connor?”
“No.” She glanced across at her lover. Her expression was tight and Leigh reached out to touch her. So much of normal life had fallen away after she became Connor’s sub. When she could touch, what she could say. She’d missed the plain easiness of just being in love even though she loved the BDSM lifestyle. “Are you a Domme all the time?”
“Yes, but for me, emotion, touch, is important, Leigh. I don’t want formality in every aspect of my life,” she said.
“Will you explain?”
“I want obedience when it matters. At the club and in most public places where your emotions might overrule you,” she said. “I admit I’m not much different than Connor in some ways, but I want your touch, Leigh. I want your affection, and I want to give you mine without always having to do it with pai
“I want that, too,” she admitted. “I miss it. Connor has so many rules it gets in the way sometimes.”
Kal gave her leg a squeeze and then put her hands back on the wheel to pull into a parking space. “I will be taking you to the club sometimes, and I might want you to do sessions with other women. Connor’s the only man I’ll ever share you with.”
“I’m glad. I don’t want another man touching me.”
Kal turned off the engine. “Stay.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Kal climbed out and rounded the car to open the door for her. “Come.” She held out a hand to her and Leigh took it, allowing her to help her out.
They waited for fifteen minutes for their table in the upscale restaurant. They were seated in the middle of the room amid the low roar of conversation. The menu had no prices and Leigh wondered if Kal could afford this place or if she’d brought her here to impress her.
The waiter arrived and Kal ordered wine. Leigh waited until he’d left to say, “Kal, can you afford this place?”
Kal laughed. “Yes, sweetheart. The business is doing well despite my losses.”
“How are things going with that guy?”
“I’m going to prosecute him as much as I hate to.” Kal told her the full story.
“His poor family,” Leigh said, shaking her head.
The waiter brought their wine and poured it, and then took their orders.
“I saw Connor today,” Kal confessed. “We had sex.”
“Oh. Umm, why?”
Kal shrugged. “I told him I thought the three of us would make a good family.” Kal took a sip of her wine.
“He refused to share me,” she said.
“Can you help me move out? I don’t have much, and I don’t really want to stay there too much longer. It’ll only be harder on us both.”
Kal nodded. “Are you sure you want to leave him?” she asked.
“You don’t want me?”